Chapter 6

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"Aah, great to be back in familiar waters"  Captain Haddock exclaimed. The port was busy, seagulls crying, workers unloading cargo from ships and Milou sniffing around and sometimes barking at things he found. You were looking for the ship: Victoria.

"There it is!"-you had spotted the big ship and pointed at it- "let's see if we can find him."

But suddenly you didn't feel as courageous. You hadn't seen Christopher in a year and things hadn't ended that well last time you saw him. You also did not want to screw things up with Tintin, even though things was not really that way but you kind of liked him... a little....

"This is a fine ship, nothing like the ships I've had but fine." The Captain said as he made his way on to the ship. You followed closely behind him. Tintin came last, he had to pick Milou up and carry him aboard . Your little group of people stood on the deck, waiting on a sailor to give you permission to come aboard.

"It's best if I ask for him, right?" you said with an unsure tone in your voice.

"No sailor have the heart to deny a maiden looking for a man." Captain said in a jokingly way.

You smiled at him. A young sailor with blond hair came up to the three of you.

"Can I help you with anything?" The sailor sounded irritated.

"Yes, I'm looking for a friend. I have heard that he is a part of your crew. His name is Christopher Adley."

"Yes, he is a part of our crew." - he grinned- "Victoria will be leaving in a few hours so I am afraid you won't be able to see him unless you book a cabin and come along."

You looked at Tintin and Haddock.

"Where will you be heading?" It came out shakier than you had intended to.

"First we will sail for London and then heading over the Atlantic to the States."

"How much?" Tintin said before you could say anything else.


Your cabin was small, a bed and square shaped table took most of the space. You put your bag on the table and sat down on the bed. You sighed. It was nice having a little time for yourself. The thought of meeting Chris again made you nervous. Maybe, you thought. Maybe I should just wait until later and not go running to him as soon as he gets of his break. You changed into a pair of pants and a blouse.

The thought of a nice walk around the ship by yourself was tempting and you gave in. You left your room, the hall was dark only lit up by a small lamp. You made your way out, the salty ocean air hit your lungs. You walked around. Sailors stared at you while you moved past them. They probably didn't have that many women onboard. You stopped by the end of the upper deck. Stood by the railing. The night was light and the water reflected the orange sunset. A breeze rippled softly through your clothes. It wasn't as cold as last night, it didn't bother you. Sometimes you just needed a little space. Especially now because of Tintins worry and meeting Christopher Adley again.

Suddenly you felt something warm against your leg. You looked down. Milou. The white dog had stroked itself against your leg to get your attention. If the dog is here, Tintin is not far away. You sighed. You smiled at the little terrier and walked a few steps and sat down on a bench. The white fur-ball gladly jumped up and laid down on your lap. You could still see the setting sun from the bench. You petted the dog and relaxed. You rested your head on the wall behind you and soaked up all of the beauty in the sky.

Voices disrupted your peace. First there was the sound of steps going down the metal stairs and then there was more voices. Now you could hear them:

"Yes!... She was looking for you... (e/c) eyes, (h/c) hair, and a silver necklace.... black beard.... and a ginger. Oh, and a dog" someone said. You couldn't hear everything behind the wall, but enough to know who they were talking about.

"Someone you know?" Another person said as you kept on stroking the dog who had now sharpened his senses. Someone mumbled something that you couldn't hear.

"Lucky guy!" the first person said and laughed. You could pick up more of what they were saying now that they were closer.

You shut your eyes and inhaled. Christopher was probably around the corner but they wouldn't walk by. This was just a little space, nobody would walk by here, especially not the crew. Shouldn't Tintin be looking for Milou? He can't be wandering around by himself.

The steps came closer and you opened your eyes. Three young men came around the corner. The first one, the same sailor you had talked to before, he had blond hair and blue eyes, his smile faded as he laid eyes on the girl with the dog in her lap. The second one, furthest away from you. He had freckles on his nose and dark blonde hair. He did not stop grinning. And the third one, walking between the two other young men, was tall with chocolate brown hair and kind brown eyes. The last boy turned pale and looked at you with big eyes.

"Hi, Cristopher" you said softly.

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