Chapter 14

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Something had changed since last night - it was obvious. The way they had came back last night, out of breath and laughing. But their eyes said something else, Christopher's eyes were sparkeling with joy and hope. Yours not so much.

Captain Haddock could tell that you were different around the brown haired boy, even more tense than you had been before. He didn't know why and it felt rude asking. The old sailor wasn't known for snooping either. Christopher left around noon, he had said that he needed to work. Tintin took Milou for a walk - the journalist felt the need to clear his thoughts in peace since he couldn't stand being around Christopher.

You, on the other hand, was sitting in the living room. The radio was playing and you were quietly humming while reading the newspaper. The captain himself was enjoying the radios tunes. Until a familiar voice started singing...

"OH NO! Not even on vacation I can get away from her!"

You looked up from the book. Haddock stared back, afraid that he might have offended you.

You smiled "Not much of an opera guy, huh?"

"I'd rather have my eyes pecked out by a blind swan than listen to another note of her singing!"

You laughed and turned the radio off "What kind of music do you like, Captain?"

"Anything you can sing along to, really" said the old sailor.

"I love anything you can dance to" you added.

He could see it in your eyes, something was troubeling you. His expression grew serious.

"What happened last night? I don't mean to pry but... ehrrr..."

You smiled at him but it didn't reach your eyes "You remind me of my father sometimes. I hope it doesn't sound strange. It's just... You- You have the same kind of eyes and expressions. My father also drinks whiskey."

Haddock smiled.

"He used to ask us if we wanted to taste some after dinner, when us kids got older I mean. That's how I learned to drink whiskey, I know it's not ladylike but I couldn't care less. Do you have a favorite brand?"

"My go to is Loch Lomond, so you're a whiskey drinking lass?" he stopped to look around for any unwanted listeners, "How about a glass right now?"

You giggled "Right now? But captain, it's the middle of the day!"

"There's no wrong time for whiskey" said the captain and stood up to grab his drink.

"How did you and Tintin meet? You're not related, are you?"

"I thought he had told you about some of our adventures?" the captain countered with as he was pouring the whiskey.

"Well, he told me his version. And he never told me how you know each other."

He grinned "It started with him getting kidnapped!"

"What! Really?" you asked.

"He was investigating a lead about a drowned man. It led him to my ship, Karaboudjan. He boarded the boat, together with Milou and two police officers. But somewhere along the lines he was knocked out and tied up."

"You kidnapped him?"

Haddock laughed "No lassie, Alan did. At the time I was too much of a drunk to take care of my own ship. The crew were smuggling opium behind my back. Opium disguised as crab. We were carrying containers and containers of crab meat. Tintin was trying to break free, came in to my room and told me about what was going on. And from that moment he has been my best friend."

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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