Chapter 13

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He racked through everything. The whole office. Nothing.

Where is it?

Could Christopher had taken it with him? Something was not adding up.

Until he glanced at the bin.

"No it can't be..." he whispered to himself.

He bent down, picked up a few papers and there it was! A small, perfectly white letter. Opened with a letter opener judging by the lines.

"Why would he throw it out?" he asked Milou, "and before letting her read it?"

The red head put the little paper in his pocket and hurried down the stairs.


"So..." Chris started.

You turned to him. He looked quite cute in the dim lights of the park, his chocolate hair falling down on his face.

"So..?" you repeated.

The young man suddenly looked nervous, couldn't really decide where to look.

"I have known you a very long time Y/N... and I- I have lived a life with you... and one without you. And that's not a life I want to live, I'm not only here to ask you for forgiveness, even though you have every right not to.. and I wish that things were different. However... I" he was rambling.

As you kept on listening to Chistophers stuckeling of words you noticed a hedge maze further down the path.

"...I'm young and- and you're also young of course! I've made mistakes tha..." the boy finally stopped as the two of you locked eyes.

The last thing the brown haired boy saw was a mischevious smile before you darted towards the maze.


Captain Archibald Haddock was trying to listen to the radio broadcast... but something was bothering him - or rather someone.

"What are you doing?"

"Why would two people, who are presumed to be missing, just send a random letter? And how did they know that we were here?"

Tintin was pacing back and forth. Not really speaking to the sailor, more so to himself.

"And for the weather..." the man on the radio started.

Haddock watched the young reporter.

"How would they know she is here? Something is wrong, very wrong..."

The captain had emough "Sit down, Tintin. Relax!"

"Where are they anyways? Shouldn't they be back by now?!"

"They're probably on their merry way-"

"Yes! Probably on their merry way away from here. I don't trust him at all!"



You giggled as Chris looked for you in the maze. His calls for you had started out serious and concered. But now he couldn't help but to laugh and join in on the game.

It had gotten pretty dark, the maze wasn't too big so you had to hide in the shadows to escape him.

"Where are you?" the young man laughed somewhere on the other side of the maze.

You snickered.

"I can hear you Y/N!" you could hear his smile through his words.

It was refreshing, seeing Christopher smile like he used to. You took a turn.

"Y/N" the brown haired boy laughed again.

You took a turn and darted further into the maze. Another turn.

All of a sudden there was a stop. Christopher.

His smile grew wide. "There you are."

"I guess so" you smiled back slightly out of breath.

You looked up at the dark eyes, they sparkled in the dim light. The light of the lamp post created patterns on his face when the beams hit the leaves. He pulled you closer. All of a sudden you blushed and looked down on your feet. You could feel his breath on your hair.

"Marry me" he said.

You took a step back to look at him.

"Y/N, marry me" he said.

"What... I..." you began as he pulled a little box out of his pocket.

"I have spent every moment since I met you loving you I-"

You interrupted him "Christopher. Stop."

"Please listen. I know that I've made mistakes, but one thing I have always know is that I want you, I always want you. Even when- when I dream, I dream of you!"

You were silent, not really knowing what to say.

In this moment you could see the old Chris, the one that you had loved. The one that you longed for. Maybe he could be that person again...

"Just give me some time..."

He nodded, slightly embarassed. "Of course."

"Oh come on, stinker" you said to lighten up the mood. "The last one back to the house is a rotten egg!"

You ran and heard his laugh behind you.

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