Chapter 5

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Mending brokenhearts

After I gather my composer I wake up Dematius and get him dressed, before we headed out to grab something to eat from a local diner, I texted Ruby and asked her to meet me there, but I got no response.

I have to make things right with my sister. I know lying to her was wrong, but I know how fragile and weak hearted she is. She wouldn't have last a full day in that lifestyle before breaking. Even though she is three years older than me I feel it's my obligation to protect her.

I promised my father that I would and I'm going to keep that promise to him.

"You so messy" I shake my head at Dematius while wiping ketchup from around his mouth.

"I just like ketchup" he say before sticking his finger in the ketchup and licking it off.

"I know" I chuckle at the memory of when he was two years old, he had manage to open the refrigerator and get the whole bottle of ketchup and seat in front of the refrigerator with the door still open and drank from the ketchup bottle.

I was laughing to hard to even beat him, I mean he had ketchup everywhere. On the floor, all over his clothes, his hair and face. It was hilarious, I'm not a big ketchup eater so I have no clue where he got that from.

"Are we still leaving?" He asks looking at me with innocent and curious eyes.

"I don't know. Mommy have to things to fix" I tell him before giving him a reassuring smile.

"Like what?" He asks.

"Like your Aunt Ruby, I wasn't completely honest with her and I heart her feelings"

"Did you lie and make her cry?" He asks while rolling his fingers in the ketchup.

This boy, I swear it has to be Michael's genes. He is entirely to smart for his age, and to mature. When I was his age all I was concerned about was the new doll that was coming out and making sure nobody stole my coloring book.

"Yes" I nod my head, sighing.

"You have to say your sorry and then she'll forgive you and I can go back and play with Uncle Josh, and Cherish, and Journie" he exclaim.

I chuckle lightly at him, "it's not that easy stank man"


"Because..." I trail off not really having an answer.

"Listen, sometimes grownups do things thinking it's what is best when all it does is hurt each other. It's complicated, when you get older you'll understand. You would do anything to protect the ones you love, even if it means hurting the ones you love" I say.

I sigh realizing that's the same thing Michael had did for me, he was protecting me. I was the childish one in the equation, I mean I kept his son away from him for four years. That was selfish and childish and Ruby was right.

"I'm never going to grow up" Dematius pulls me out of my thoughts.

I smile at him "I wish you didn't have to"

I like that he needs me for things and how he always want to be around me. Who's to say when he get older, that our bond won't break. I love my baby, and I wish he would just stay a kid forever. He is all I got now that I done went and pissed Ruby off.

"TT" Dematius shout.

"Hey fat man" I hear Ruby familiar voice, turning around in my chair I give her a half smile. "I though about not coming" she add as she takes a seat in the booth across from me and Dematius.

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