Chapter 4

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I'm going down

All types of questions and emotions ripe through my body at once.

One. What they hell is he doing here? He is supposed to be in Toronto.

Two. I just want to sock the shit out of him. Why the hell he look so dam good? I mean he got buff as hell, his dark chocolate skin tone is just as flawless as I remember, them dimples that always made me weak to the knees are as deep as ever, hair cut fresh as always.

Three. Where is my son?

I break way from his stare and immediately go looking for my son. I finally find him playing with a group of kids, "time to go" I grab him.

"We just got here" he whine, as I pull him to through the house out the door.

I hear Ruby calling my name but I'm on a mission to get as far away as possible.

"But mommy" he cry.

"Hush your dam mouth, and get in the dam car!" I snap at him, immediately regretting it as tears fall from his eyes.

"Mommy sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you" I get down to his level and hug him tightly, "just please get in the car"

He nod and do as he is told, "I don't know what he is doing here, I swear I didn't invite him" Ruby explains walking up to me.

"It's fine, I'm leaving. We are on the first flight out of here" I explain to her, I can not risk Michael finding out about Dematius.

"Don't please, you just got here. I can tell him to leave" she explain.

"I'm sorry" just as I'm about to get in the car, I hear Michael call out to me.

Looking up I see him walking up, and a wave of angry wash over me. Without thinking I walk over to him and rock the shit out of him sending him stumbling backwards.

That actually felt better than I thought.

"I deserve that" he admit, spitting blood on the ground. By now everyone has come to the front yard for the show.

"You deserve the barrel of my gun in your mouth, you son of a bitch" I spat as I rock his ass again.

This time I don't stop I continue to beat the shit out of him till some pull me off of him "let me the fuck go" I snap pulling away from whoever's grip.

"You happy, you feel better" Michael stands up spitting more blood onto the ground.

"Not even close. Say the fuck away from me, or I swear to God I'll kill you myself" I spat with deadly venom before walking to my car.

I start it and pull off with tears in my eyes.

"Mommy why are you crying? Why did you hit that man?" Dematius asks.

I almost forgot he was in the car.

"Mommy just a little upset, I'm sorry you had to see that" I never wanted my son to see that side of me.

Once at the hotel I hurry and pack up our things.

"I don't wanna go home, I like it here" Dematius cry.

"Baby we have to go home"

"Why?" He asks.

"Because I said so, now go get your things" I state sternly leaving no room for argument.

As I continue to pack there's a knock at the door "it's me" I hear Ruby shout.

Sighing I walk to the door and open it up.

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