Chapter 11

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End of the road

Two weeks later

I decided not because of Michael but because of my son to hold back on the plans, I'm still going to kill the bitch. Just not yet, I need to know as much about her as possible I cannot go into something blind that can cost me everything.

Tre called me back the day after the encounter with the information he got from Chico.

Her family is a part of the Mafia, but just like the streets they to have rules of conduct that can cost you your life.

"Can I get this?" Dematius asks pulling me out of my thoughts.

He shows me the football, "so me and dad can play when he picks me up later" he explain.

"Get it boy" I chuckle.

I originally came to the store to pick up some more of our hygiene things but as always dematius led me to the toy section.

Michael is picking dematius up a little later to spend time with him. Michael and I are not on any terms that does not involve dematius. He knows just as well as I know that he was wrong. So because he is smart he's falling back until further notice.

Michael maybe crazy, jealous and possessive but he knows when he cross the line and that day he crossed several lines. He not only did not check the bitch for disrespecting me but did not check he for disrespecting our son, than has the nerve to lay hands on me like he lost his dam mind. I was sporting a swollen and bruised jaw for a week.

"No more toys, let's get what I came in here for" I state walking away from the toys with dematius following.

"I'm so hungry" he whine.

I shake my head chuckling "want McDonald's after?" I question already knowing the answer.

"Yay" he shouts jumping up and down.

He is something else I swear.

After getting mostly everything I need, I head to the cashier to check out looking in the basket I realize I forgot the body wash.

"One second please" I tell the cashier.

"Stay here" I straight face dematius before running to get the body wash. On the way back I pass my the pads and it was than I realize I haven't got my period yet.

We have been here for almost a month, and I was supposed to get my period like three weeks ago. How could I forget that I did not have a period?

I wanted it to be because of stress, but I know better.

I quickly grab the first pregnancy test I see and run back to check out.


How can I put myself back into this situation again?

I seat on the toilet and simply wait for my results, praying for a negative.

"I have been simply stressed out, and it caused me to miss my period" I think out loud to convince myself, but I can hear my own doubt.

I can't have another one of Michael's babies, I mean a baby is a blessing but I'm not ready for this whole process over again. I want my next child to come from my husband not someone else's.

With me being strong in my beliefs I won't be able to end this child's life, I couldn't live with myself if I ended this innocent child's life.

My phone goes off signalling the end of five long minutes.

I take a deep breath before looking at the pregnancy tests and reading it.


Next one.

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