Chapter 18

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Please don't go

"Before you trip I want you and Kara to come with us" I explain quickly, seeing his jaw clench in angry.

"No" he state walking out of the bathroom.

"Your being selfish Michael, you won't even think about it" I call to him as I follow him into the room.

"Diamond don't make me repeat myself"

"I'm not your child, so please change your tone when you speaking to me. Its not fair, your word is not law" I state.

"You heard what I said" he walk out the room slamming the door.

I don't even have the ounce of energy that it takes to argue him down. I tired of arguing, I'm just tired period.

Today was a long day period, I just want to take my behind to bed and worry about tomorrow, tomorrow.

After putting on my night gown, I fall into bed.


I wake up to the sounds off loud giggles, and multiple footsteps running up and down the hall way. With the sun shinning directly in my face.

Groaning I roll over and grab my phone, looking at the time its going on 12.

I have never sleep in this long, I drag myself out of the bed and make my way to the bathroom.

After making myself somewhat presentable I exit out the room and down the stairs to the living room where the t.v is turned on to some kids show. I find my sister and the kids, all cuddle on the couch.

"Afternoon sleeping beauty" Ruby turns and smile at me.

"Mommy" Dematius and Kara runs up and gives me a tight hug.

"Hey babies" I kiss both of their cheeks.

"I am a big boy now mommy, I'm five" dematius state making me crack a smile.

"That may be the case but you'll always be my baby" I kiss his cheek.

I grab a seat next to my sister.

"How did you know?" I asks my sister referring to her coming over to help with the kids.

"I know my sister, plus you looked exhausted at the party. Not use to two kids are we?" she jokes.

"Its a lot. I'm still half way woke, but I talked to Michael about Cali" I inform her.


"He said no" I shrug, "I was to exhausted to argue, I'm tired of arguing"

"What's next?" she question.

"I honestly don't know" I sigh, redirecting my attention to my kids with a half smile.

I know I have to make a decision and its going to be based on what is best for them. I've grown attached to Kara in this short time, and I will protect her like she is my own flesh and blood.

Its all about their happiness and protection and if Boston not providing that I'm willingly to leave Michael ass behind and alone.


The day went by slowly, but I was in out of naps so I didn't pay nothing any attention really. Michael still is not home and its going on nine o'clock.

"You good?" my sister asks as she gather up the kids things.

"Yeah, I feel a lot better" I reassure her.

"Call me if you need me"

I nod my head and walk them put the door, where Josh is waiting for them.

"Goodnight" I call to them as they enter the car.


Walking back into the house I make sure to lock to the door.

The kids are still up, and from the looks not going to bed anytime soon.

"Popcorn and a movie" I suggest.

They both nod their head excited.

"Dematius picks out the movie, and Kara come help me with the snacks" I suggest.

We walk into the pantry, I grab two bags of popcorn and Kara grabs the mixed bag of candy.

After all the junk food and drinks are set up we make our way back to the living room where Damatius already started Fantastic Four.

Half way through the movie Michael enters and the kids tackle him with a hug and questions of where have he been.

I would like to know the same but instead I keep my eyes on the television screen. He seats down beside me and place a kiss on my forehead, before returning his attention to the movie.

"What's this?" he asks me, but I don't answer.

"Fantastic Four daddy" Kara answer.

"And you have to be quite in the movie theatre" dematius state with a giggle.

I simply shake my head.

"Want some more to drink?" I asks the kids.

The nod without taking their eyes off the screen.

I move from Michael's embrace and walk to the kitchen.

I grab them both another jucie box, I stand in the kitchen looking at completely nothing.

This is not how I want my life, Michael coming home at late hours, not knowing if he's okay. I don't wanna play that wifey role, I actually want to be someone's wife. I already lived that streets lifestyle and its not me no more. Its not for me no more, I have a family. A family I am supposed to protect, not continue to put in danger.

The lifestyle Michael still wants to be apart of is dangerous and I don't want my kids anywhere near it.

"Diamond?" Michael calls to me with concern.

"Yeah" I answer.

"You alright?" he asks.

I open my mouth to say I'm fine but close it quickly because I'm not fine. My kids won't be fine if I let this continue on.

"Actually I'm not" I answer instead, "Michael we have a family to thank about, you cannot continue to be in the game and have your family at the same time"

"What you saying Diamond?" he state through gritted teeth.

"Its the game or your family. Think fast because tomorrow I'm booking a flight back to Cali, its up to you whether it be three tickets or four" I state leaving the kitchen, not before Michael grabs my arm.

"Don't play with me" he snap softly aware of the kids in the next room.

"Michael, this been stop being a game" I state snatching my arm away.

I leave the kitchen, going back to my kids.

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