Chapter 19

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If it takes a whole lifetime

Waking up in an empty bed lets me know the answer to my question. Sighing I roll out of bed and head to bathroom to get ready for the day. After everything I just knew Michael would choose his family over everything and anything, but I was wrong. Once I'm done getting dressed I grab me and the kids pre-packed bags and take them to the door. Going back up the stairs I wake Kara up first and instruct her to get dress, while I lay out her clothes. Then I wake up Damatius and instruct him of the same.


"Where is dad?" Damatius asks as I make my way to the airport.

"He's working, I'll meet us when he is ready" I state half telling the truth. It's true Michael is working, and once he is ready to let that part of his life go he'll meet us in California.

"Then why we don't just wait?" Kara asks.

"Because your father has something's to work out alone by himself, with himself" I explain.

"He doesn't want us" Damatius states.

"Damatius that's not true. You father loves you both of you, never forget that he simple confused and lost"

"My grandma said the something about my mom" Kara said. Not knowing what to say I simple keep quiet, I hope Michael no he's breaking not only mine but his kid's heart also.


It's been almost two months since we have been in California and still no Michael. Hell I wouldn't know if he was dead or alive if it wasn't for Ruby or the almost daily phone calls for the kids. We don't speak at all, when his name pops up on my phone I give it to the kids. If they not around I send a text and tell him so. I was depressed the first couple weeks, only leaving my bed to take the kids to school and to pick them up. All I did was cry, than one day something just clicked he is losing out on his family not me. I'm blessed to have to kids that are health, smart and the love and adore me. They are my world and its Michael fault he is not a part of it.

"How was school?" I asks as the kids get inside the car.

"It was alright, I passed my spelling test" Kara cheers from the passenger seat handing me the paper showing me the perfected score.

"Told you" I state giving her a high five, she was so worked up about failing the test.

"Coach said we have practice tomorrow morning" Damatius state, I finally signed him up for little league football like he's been begging for.

"I remember did you get the schedule like I asked?" I question.


"Then don't be mad at me if I can't make it to the game" I been asked him to get his practice and game schedule I hate doing things last minute.

"Kidding" he laughs and hands me a piece of paper with the schedule on it.

"Not funny" I state with a giggle, he jokes a lot.

"Incoming call" my phone announce, looking at my dashboard it reads Michael name.

"Daddy" Kara shout answering the phone.

"What's up baby girl?" he asks a smile evident in his voice.

"I passed my spelling test" she gloat.

"That's my girl" he cheers.

"Dad I have practice tomorrow are you going to make it" Damatius asks like always.

"I'm kinda busy with work D" Michael gives the same excuse.

"When are you not?" Damatius question loud enough with a frown.

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