Chapter 13

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Going back to Cali

In less than 30 minutes me and Dematius things were packed and we were heading to the airport to fly back to California. I told my sister my goodbyes and promised to be back in time for the birth, and also called up my girls and told them I was heading out because I was fed up with Michael not being able to choose between me and wifey, so like last time I leaving. The hard part was telling Dematius that we were leaving, he throw a fit not wanting to leave Michael's side, it broke my heart to see my son in so much pain. I could not explain to him in details but I did my best to comfort him, making sure that he understand that we will not be separated from each other for a long period of time.

Everything was in place and ready to go. I just can't wait till that bitch gets what she deserve don't ever think you'll get away with disrespecting me or my child. I take disrespect to the heart and no one I mean no one will disrespect my heart and soul. Just like I will kill and die for Michael I will kill and die for my son, and my family. I don't play them fuck nigga games that she play, I am a real as bitch and I say what I mean and mean what I say.

So like I said I'll have that bitch life in my hands in less than 2 hours, with no blood on my hands and no trace of me, because my black ass is all the way in California after a huge argument went down with me and Michael after he went to aid that bitch feelings and shit.


Hours later Dematius and I land in California.

"I am so happy y'all are back" my home-girl Raven state giving me hug than squeeze the death out of Dematius, as the driver grab our backs.

"Me to, I actually missed Cali" I say, its true I did miss Cali even though its not home. I actually met good people out here and fell in love with sunny California.

"I wanna go to the beach" Dematius state running to the car.

I guess we heading to the beach.


"So how was the trip back to Boston?" Raven asks as we seat and watch Dematius play in the water with her son Lamar.

"It was actually bittersweet, most of the time I was alone because Dematius was off with his father" I state.

"Your ass never told me you were going down to met up with his father" she state smacking my arm.

She knows about me moving away to get away from Michael, not the Queen-pin part but the heartbroken runaway while pregnant part.

"Bitch that wasn't the plan that's why" I state smacking her back, her heavy handed ass has no right smacking anyone.

"What you mean?" she question.

"You know I went down there for my sister baby shower right?" I question and she nods her head yes, "Well his as showed up uninvited so I had to deal with that most of my time there"

"How did that go?"

"A lot of exchanging words as expect yelling, arguing, fighing, lots of apologies and tears than some make up sex" I state nonchalant.

"Wait. Pause. Rewind. You are not just bypass that like I was not going to catch it. I heard makeup sex correct?" she question being dramatic like always.

"Yes you did. And it was great, but I had to leave his ass be because of his wife and ting."

"She knew y'all was making up via sex" she asks making me laugh.

"Yes, girl she knew. But he stuck with wifey and I stuck his ass with summer vacation visits" I lie smoothly. She my girl and all but I don't want to many noes in my business that might riun my plans.

"You gotta do what you gotta do" she state shrugging her shoulders.


After about three hours of the beach, I was ready to leave.

All I wanted was a long hot shower and my bed to myself, without dematius foot in my back. He sleep so wild, like he own the whole king sized bed or something.

"Shower now" I tell dematius for the four time, this why I don't play with him like that he take me for a joke.

"But ion wanna" he whine while seating his wet behind on my couch.

"Little boy you lost you dam mind haven't you?"

I make my way over to him, but he gets up and run to the other side of the room.

"Dematius Derrick Michael King, get your ass here right now. I am not playing this game with you, do you understand me?" I state in a stern but low voice.

I stare him down with my hand on my hip, "Now" I yell when he don't bust a move.

"I want my dad" he starts to cry.

Sighing I seat down on the couch. I know I need to calm down, especially with this baby inside of me. I don't need no high blood pressure.

I pull out my phone and call Michael.

"What's up?" he answers.

"Talk to your son" I state before giving dematius the phone.

"Hello?" dematius says into the phone.


"I...I just wanna go home and be with you..." he mumbles on the verge of tears. It breaks my heart that my son have to go through this, that we have to go through this.

I never wanted my son to feel this pain, the exact reason why I didn't want Michael to know about him. I know the feeling of not having your father around when you want him, that shit hurts.

"OK... I love you to" dematius say before handing me the phone back.

"Thank you" I say into the phone.

"Your welcome"

With that we hang up.

"Ready to bath dirty monster?" I asks.

He simple nod his head and follow me to his bathroom.


The sound of my phone going off, wakes me up out of my sleep.

I look at my bed side clock and in big red numbers it reads 2:39 a.m.

"Who the hell?" I question, before picking up the phone.

"This better be good" I answer not caring who was on the other end.

"Its Michael" I hear Josh voice almost crack.

"What about him?" I question fully woke and alert.

"There was accident and he in critical condition. Him and ol'girl was going somewhere... the fucking lady feel asleep at the wheel and crashes into their car and... they flipped, they flipped man right into a building"

"Oh god no" I drop the phone holding my stomach and just cry.

I try my best not to wake dematius up, who is laying next to me but I can't hold it. I break down, I can literally feel my heart being ripped out of me.

This can't be real.

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