Chapter 2

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Family Reunion

"Dematius I said stop it right now" I tell him sternly, he continue to pull on my coat while I'm trying to get our boarding pass.

"I'm soo starvin'" he whine. He is so dam dramatic, he just ate not even 20 minutes ago.

"What did I tell you? Where you act out at is where I'm going to show out at. Do you want me to show out little boy?" I question him with a stern look.

He shake his head no, with tears in his eyes. I sigh, picking him up on my hip I continue to get the boarding passes.

"He's adorable" the lady at the desk compliments.

"Thank you" I smile, than grab our stuff and head over to our terminal, since our plane was called for boarding.

Five hours later

I exit the plane with a sleeping Dematius on my hip, he fell asleep as soon as the plane took off.

Thank you lord.

He can be a hand full, and I don't wanna hear all that whining he thinks help gets his way. All it get him is an ass whooping. I don't play the radio with him, he may be spoiled but not rotten. I give him what he need, rewards for doing doing good in daycare and if he acts right what'eva else he wants. Don't be fooled he get ass whoppings, when he show out so do I.

I love him to death but he will not run over me and he will respect me as his mother, it's better to teach him while he is young so he know beta when he is older.

After getting our bags, I go to get my rental car which is a nice and simple red 2014 Buick Lacrosse.

"I'm hungry" Dematius whine from the backseat as I head out the airport onto the main road.

"What you to eat?" I asks stopping at a red light. I look at him through my rear view mirror, watching him play with his tablet.

"McDonald's" he shout happily, should have known. This boy love him some McDonald's, whenever we go out to eat which is usually on a Saturday because I cook throughout the week he always want McDonald's.

"McDonald's it is" I giggle, once the light turn green I head to McDonald's.


"I'm at McDonald's with Dematius, I'll be on my way soon he almost done eating" I explain to my sister.

After ordering and getting our food, I decided to call her.

"I can't wait to see my fat man, I miss him so much." The last time Ruby actually say Dematius was on his birthday last year, I had payed for all of us to go to Disney world and we spent a week in the hotel. It was lots of fun, being with my sister and the kids.

This year we will be doing something quite simply, maybe a backyard barbeque, he also wanted to go camping. I think I can make that work, camp right in the backyard.

"His bad ass, you didn't miss much girl" I laugh.

"I've missed a lot, you've missed a lot" she explain, I can hear the genuine sadness in her voice.

Ruby still don't know the real reason I left, I simple told her that I need space between me, Boston and Michael. She don't know about the drug game.

Not only did I leave Boston to put some thousands of miles between me and Michael but I also left because the block was hot. Police was looking and investigating cold cases in which I was involved with. I had to leave all my past life in Boston and come clean in California.

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