Chapter 14

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Never should have

"Just let me in" I yell at the doctor.

I took the first plane out here, I've been at this dam hospital for dam near two hours. My feet hurt, I'm sleepy as hell, and hungry as fuck but all that don't matter. I just want to see Michael that's all I want but the dam doctor will not allow me in, saying I'm not family and its past visiting hours.

I am his fucking family I gave birth to his fucking son, and I have one on the way. I don't need nothing else to prove that I am his family.

"Lower your voice Ms, or imma have to asks you to leave" he state.

"Just let me see him. Fuck" I yell in tears before swinging punching the wall.

I can feel the throbbing I know its either broken or out place, but I don't care.

"Let me see him please" I cry falling to the ground.

"Diamond calm down, your scaring dematius" Ruby tries to plead with me.

I look up at my son's petrified face, and my heart breaks even more.

"I'm sorry" I get up and walk over to him. I pull him into a hug.

"Why you crying mommy? Where is dad?" he asks.

I try my best to steady my voice before answering him "your dad is hurt, you remember when you learned how to ride a bike?" I question him.

"Yeah, I feel off and I broke my arm. Did dad break his arm?" he asks.

"I don't know, but he got hurt bad" I state and my voice starts to tremble.

"How bad?" he asks with tears in his eyes.

"He... he..." I couldn't finish my sentence before I break down.

"Sorry" I shake my head, I continue to hold onto my son as I cry.

I know I should be putting on a brave face for him but I can't. I'm petrified about what might happened, I just opened myself up to lovr him again. And now there's a chance I could lose that.

"Miss" I hear someone call.

Looking up I see a nurse, probably in her mid 50s. She reminds me of someone's grandmother, she has a warm feeling about her. Almost comforting.

"Yes?" I answer.

"I'll let you in, just you though. I need my job" she joke a little.

"Oh god thank you"

I explain to dematius that I'm going to check on his father before leaving him with ruby.

It felt like centuries before we actually made it to Michael's room, it took me a couple seconds to gain my composer to walk in. Knowing he wouldn't like me crying over him.

I walk in and the sight almost breaks me down into tears. He is hooked up to every machine they possible can. He's leg is in a case and being propped up, while he has a neck brace on.

"You look uncomfortable" I say to him, even though I know he's not going to respond I know he can hear me.

After fixing him up more comfortable I hold his hand in mine as I sit next to him.

"Michael don't play with me, you said you wasn't going to leave me again. I believe you, I love you so don't leave me. Don't leave us you have two beautiful kids and one on the way. I need you here, your family needs you here. We need you to fight" I cry, placing a kiss on his cheek.

"Lord, I come to you humbled and with only one request. Spare Michael's life please, he's a good man as you know just has a couple of ruff edges but he's trying. I know now that this is the man you have prepared for me to spend my life with, don't take him away from me so early. I want my kids to know and spend time with their father. But if it's in you will let it be done, I just wanted him to be here though lord. Please spare this one life for me. In jusus name amen." I pray.

"He got us" I tell Michael.

There's a light tap at the door that grabs my attention, probably the nurse. She only could give me ten minutes and for that I am grateful, because that bastard of a doctor gave me none.

"Yes?" I question making way to the door opening it revealing the nurse and dematius.

"Your sister just went into labor" she state.

I look at he blown away, this is to much lord.

I'm happy she's having her baby but Michael being in his condition breaks what little joy of my sister having a baby away.

The sound of a flat line brings me back to reality I turn and sure enough its Michael's.

"Cold Red" the nurse shout. Before moving me and dematius out the way to aid Michael.

"That's daddy, what's happening?" dematius asks but I can't find my words.

I just stare at Michael's flat line.

His line went flat.

As one life enters another one exits.

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