chapter ten

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what goes around comes around

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what goes around comes around

The 118 reported to a dispatch call that early morning to a familiar location that captivated Josephine's eyes as she looked out the window. She sighed out, remembering that call clear as day in which aggravated her. As soon all of them stepped out of the truck with their equipment, Hen spoke up. "We've been here before."

Buck turned to Hen with a perplexed expression, "What?"

Bobby interjected while glancing where the notable tree branch. "Before you joined us, kid."

"I never forgot about this dispatch call." Josephine lowly uttered out, following her captain's gaze to the place where they tried to revive the woman at the scene.

That dispatch call dated back to a year ago when Josephine was new kid at the 118 before Buck came along. It was a rainy day, profoundly a sad day as Josephine carried a lifeless woman to the ground. The woman's husband made the call to 911 after seeing his wife committing suicide using one of the trees in front of their house. Of course, infused a lot of intense feelings but this one struck the most.

As Josephine performed CPR with Hen finding any signal of life, after Chimney rapidly cut off the rope- the woman's husband insisted that he had no explanation to his wife's actions. However, Bobby and the rest of team knew that man was lying to act dumbfounded. Specifically, the bruises marked on his wife's wrists. Also, the husband barely shedding any tear or emotion towards his wife's death at that moment like a robot.

Fast forwarding into a year, the 118 surrounded the husband on the ground bleeding in his chest by a bullet. In the midst of Hen and Chimney enabling their skills to help the man, Josephine was drawn to the half blown tree. Her brow raised at the strength of the tree rather blown up completely to be in half. Then reverting back to the man stating to be shot, it clicked in her head which presumably did in Bobby's.

The second she faced her captain, he already spoke the exact words in her head. "The bullet she fired at."

His remark gained Hen's attention after cutting the middle of the widowed husband's shirt and applying pressure to the massive bleeding. "Did it fly out of tree when he blew it up?" She questioned.

The trio briefly glanced at the tree then back at the widowed husband uttering a noise until passing on. Josephine's lips parted before lifting to meet Hen and Bobby's eyes. "Karma's a bitch." She smacked her lips together. 

Calling in on the man's time of death and zipping into a bag for the coroner's office, the 118 packed their bags to retreat to the firetruck. Josephine started storing the bag inside the slot as she flickered to her phone. Members of her family started infiltrating messages about her grandparents' 50th wedding anniversary in which can lend stress. Luckily, she didn't have to worry about the wedding piling on- except the potential game of 21 questions in calling in off.

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