The Tables Have Turned

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It was a time, unlike any other. Many wars had yet to be fulfilled. A group of excellence and virtue had the perfect friendship. Jason, Katherine, Hijae, Emma, and Medusa were the core friends centered around me, Earth. We were merrily teens that enjoyed hanging out. We loved ice cream and good times. We actually talked about opening up an ice cream shop, and that does happen in the future. It was one random saturday night at my parent's house.
I had said, "Everything good with you and Posiden, Medusa? Are you still fucking him in Athena's Temple?"
She responds, "Nah. That moron broke it off with me because he now thinks I'm ugly."
"You do know that I can lift your curse. I did create all of this beauty." I stated.
She then responds with the most beautiful words, "I don't believe this to be a curse, but a gift. I can make anyone turn to stone that can't see the inner beauty."
Hijae jabs at my arm in a playful manner to change the subject. I say, "Let's do something crazy. I found this old Ouija board. It is a blood stained oak board with a cantation on it."
Emma looks terrified after I said this. So she then says, "I dont think this is a good idea. We dont know anything about this magic. What if we set something free?"
Dude, Katherine laughed so loud, as she said, "The more things we set free, the better. I like the paranormal." I reach into my backpack and pull out the Oujia board. I put rare magnetic rocks around the table. We all lock hands togethor and chant the spell. Suddenly, a planchette made of pure energy appears.
Jason asks the first question, "Will we always be great friends?" A voice echoes in the back of our heads and says, "You will be nothing without each other." After many questions and answers later, we ask the one question that no one should ask.
I ask, "Why is their not more in life? Why is it peaceful for us?" This must've caused some sort of alteration in reality because as soon as Emma's hands broke from our hands, a ball of black energy shoots around the room. It looks at me, but then tunnels through Hijae. Her luscious white skin darkened to be black. This was the first black person ever. It got weirder. A star in a Pentagon tattooed itself onto her wrist. I broke my hands away from the others. And I bolted to my feet. I stood in a fighting stance, but Hijae acted normal. She didn't seem threatening. Medusa said, "I think the spirit just used her body to teleport to safety. She should be fine. I don't feel the darkness. And we have a triplet connection."
A few days later: It was Monday morning. I was getting ready for school. I glanced into the mirror and I started imagining wearing a beanie on my head. Before I could even go get the beanie, it magically appeared on my head. That was weird. I know that I have created abilities, but they weren't this loose. I'd have to concentrate to use them. I leave out the door and stand on the corner of the street. The big and yellow school bus pulls up. I board the bus. Walking through the aisle, glancing left to right, looking for an empty seat. I find one empty. I sit next to the window. Eyes watching the scenario go by, as these reckless teenagers spit and throw papers around like hooligans. The bus pulls in front of the school and everyone's demeanor changes. They all act like they weren't just causing trouble. I stand up to descend from the bus, but the bus driver grabs me by my wrist and says, "Don't trust anyone. They have all gotten secrets." He let go of my wrist. I see my friends and run upto them. They were huddling in a circle. I was wondering where one of them was at, so I said, "Where is Hijae? Is she feeling okay?"
Emma and Medusa move a little away from the circle to reveal Hijae. She was wearing a hoodie and covering her face. Hijae then says, "I dont want to be seen with this dark skin. I've been marked by the very witchcraft that we used."
I remember how Medusa had embraced her snake hair, how Jason embraced his mother that is never home, how Katherine embraced her newly acquired human form, and how Emma embraced her inner demons. I think of the right statement and say, "We all have some struggle infront of us. That obstacle makes us, who we are. So don't let your new skin change who you have always been, our friend." I get a pat on the back from Emma. Hijae pushes the group away from her, takes off the hoodie, and says, "Good point. I'm always gonna still be me. And I'm even more rare now. I'm the first black person." We all strut into school with confidence, unaware of how today is gonna go.
Period 1: Emma
As Emma sat in Algebra class, all she could think focus on was the ticking of the clock. She had a horrible headache. She was writing down notes, but her hands started to glow with a pulsing white light. She reached into her pocket to conceal the glow. The teacher looks at Emma and says, "You need to be taking notes, not hiding something in your pocket. What is it? Drugs? Show me it now." Before Emma could even pull her hands out, with all the eyes of her classmates staring at her, the anxiety worsened and her ears began to bleed. The teacher says, "Go to the nurse, but before you leave school today, we will be having a talk! Do you understand?" Emma nods her head as she jogs out in search of the nurse's office.
Period 1: Jason and Katherine
Most people would show up to their economics class, except the two love birds. They almost always would miss first period because they'd be lip locked in the Janitor's broom closet. I'm talking about Katherine and Jason. They were making out. Jason shoved Katherine against the shelf. A broom falls to the ground. This scares Katherine, making her wonder if anyone had heard. She pushes Jason off, but Jason keeps on pulling them back togethor. Katherine has always been somewhat stronger because when she became human once again, her vampiric strength still remained in her small body, but for some weird reason she just couldn't push hard enough against Jason to make him stop. Jason pushed their lips togethor and as Katherine fought back, she got pushed hard into the shelf. The metal shelf actually had bent. Katherine felt a warm wetness against her leg. She initially thought nothing of it, but she was starting to panicked. She touched her thigh, lifted her finger to eyesight and saw the blood. Part of the metal shelf had stabbed her because of Jason. He shockingly steps back. Katherine says, "Can you please take me to the nurse? It hurts bad?" Jason lifts her up and holds her in between his hands. He takes her to the nurse's office.
Period 1: Medusa
It was study hall for Medusa's first period. She was looking through her assignments, staring down at the paper, one of her fake eyelashes falls out. She takes her makeout bag out. And pulls out the mirror. She glances into it and sees herself, but covered in blood. Then she suddenly smelled blood and knew exactly where it was coming from. This has never happened to her. She raises her hand and says, "I need to run to the restroom real quick." The teacher dismisses her and she runs to the nurse's office in search of the blood.
Period 1: Hijae
Sitting all by her lonesome, Hijae is watching her english teacher describe a run-on sentence. Her mind begins to zone out. She glanced out the window and saw that ball of black energy. It was taunting her. She stood up and walked towards the window. She touched her hand to the window and felt nothingness and pain. She removed her hand and their was a burn mark. The energy had burned Hijae. The english teacher pulls Hijae into a hug and says, "You should go get that checked out by the nurse. She should be able to help you out." She leaves the classroom, holding her burned hand, she walks down the halls to the nurse's office.
After Period 1: Earth
I was in chemistry, unaware of anything that was happening. As the end of the period bell rings. I walk over to Art class, and wait outside the door for my friends. We always would meet outside, before we start art togethor. Where could they be? As I thought about their location, I could suddenly see the glow of each of their bodies. It seems that they are in the nurse's office. I go over towards the nurse's office. All of my friends were sitting down on a bench. I step into the office room and suddenly the door closes. I turn to see an older red haired woman dressed in a lab coat. She waves her hand around and suddenly I'm forced to sit down. She says, "My name is Willow. I'm a witch. And based on all of your symptoms, I assume you either got exposed to magic rocks or released a demon." I speak, "We might've done both. We used magnetic magical rocks and a ouija board to release a black energy." Willow looked so horrified. She says, "I believe the rocks demagnetized something in your body, which is making your powers act more free. Emma's savior powers reached their full potential. Katherine's cured blood must've fully turned human, but the baby is safe. Jason's strength amplified because of his serial killer future. Medusa has started transitioning into Bloody Mary. She can track blood. Hijae has been literally touched by darkness. She might become evil. And for you, Earth, your powers became more easily accessible. I can train all of you guys to install a small mind block to protect yourselves. We need to track down this demon and return it to hell." Katherine freaking screams and says, "I can't be fucking pregnant. That's impossible. I never wanted kids. This sucks." We all talk and come up with a game plan to locate this entity...

To be continued

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