The Forbidden Fruit

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Many people know the story of Adam and Eve, but they believe the fruit is just that, a piece of fruit. Now that wouldn't make sense because God gave them a garden full of plants and animals. The forbidden fruit was the act of adultery between Lucifer and Eve. Adam and Eve were married, as well as Lucifer and Lilith. When the acted in the sexual acts togethor, it had marked their souls and initially created the first sin. So God kicked everyone of these four from The Garden of Eden. And he sealed the garden in a place only accessible by the most powerful and truthful. I'm like the king of the world, so I was told the location. As we drive in the van to Kansas, we start singing along with the radio;
She'll be coming 'round the mountain when she comes (yee-haw)
She'll be coming 'round the mountain when she comes (yee-haw)
She'll be coming 'round the mountain
She'll be coming 'round the mountain
She'll be coming 'round the mountain when she comes (yee-haw).
We arrived infront of the entrance. The car comes to a stop. Katherine, Jason, Hijae, Emma, Medusa, Willow, and I step out of the car. This entrance isn't much an actual physical door. It's called The Monument Rocks. They form a door like structure. I trace my finger along the seam of the rock and chant, "Door to then and now. We need it to form. Reveal the location of the first sin and open the doorway."
The sunlight shining through the rocks creates a whirlwind and the door opens. I say, "Before anyone goes inside, I need to settle some rules. Do not touch any of the plants. Human oils can and will kill the plants. Also Jason and Medusa cannot enter. Greek and Christianity don't mix togethor. Keep the religions seperate." Katherine, Hijae, Emma, and Willow step through first. I lead after them. The things that I saw when I stepped through weren't the way they should have been. The sky was dark blue. The grass was curled back and dry. The plants were black and gray like lifeless corpses. I say, "This cannot be right. The garden was a beautiful plateau of plants and animals. What happened to the animals?" As I had said those words, a huge lion stalked towards me. All of my friends backed away, but I was drawn to it. I felt like I knew it. The only lion that I would know, didnt look like this. My lion had the ability to stand on two feet and speak every language. This was a standard lion. I touched it and my magic healed it. It grew upon it's two feet and stood up. It spoke in a husky man voice, "Thank you, Earth. For I was punished by the snake to be a classic lion."
I ask, "Lione, what happened to the abundance in plants? They are supposed to be eternal and I doubt man stepped foot in here." This was my friend. Lione spoke once more, "God was struck down by Lucifer, and thus his greatest land was burned and destroyed. We need someone to heal it."
I say, "I can heal the land and repair this place, but I'm gonna need the roots from The Tree of Knowledge."
Lione says, "That can be arranged. Now bring life into this land, once more." I step foot out of the Garden of Eden and through the portal. I say, "We need some greek healing. Jason and Medusa come with me." They follow me into The Garden. As soon as they enter, the plants start to rise up and grow. The essence of a religion was healing all the plants and animals. As long as Jason and Medusa remain alive, the garden will live. Lione walks to The Tree of Knowledge and cuts the roots from it. He hands them to me and we leave. The portal shuts closed. We are standing in the dark of night. Moon light shining all around us. I divide the roots into three parts and bind each one into a bracelet. I hand one bracelet to Hijae, one to Emma, and the last to Medusa. I say, "Using the power of three and the tree's energy, we can send pull the first into our grasp and send it back to hell."
Willow says, "Stop. Stop. Stop. If you were to send the demon back, it would let Lucifer know about the world of magic. That might even cause him to escape and try to devour all souls. We need some sort of object to put The First in. Maybe a tomb?"
I say, "I've read about a tomb that is in Sunnydale, California. Many corpses lie unconscious inside of it. We can magically seal it and keep the darkness tame." We all get back into the van and begin our long drive to California.
Next time: Will the group of friends trap the evil and return home?

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