Dolly 'Lama' Parton

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We have already left Storybrooke without any other sightings of The Godkiller. We have been sleeping in a motel in Nashville, Tennessee. With each passing day, Medusa grows closer to her day of labor, but until then we search for a cure. I heard about a white haired woman that has lived long and she might be a witch. So we went to Nashville in search of her. We go out and head to a local concert performed by Dolly Parton. Hijae, Medusa, Jason, and I stand in the first row as we see the most beautiful woman sing. Each word that came from her lips, felt like they touched my heart. My body began to radiate a golden energy and I floated. The music was moving my body, making me dance. It felt as if I was connecting with Dolly Parton. Suddenly the golden energy that was radiating off of almost everyone in the concert, floated into Dolly Parton. I tried to break the spell she had us under, but to no avail I just couldn't shake it off. The one that was able to shake it off was Medusa. She felt a kick of the baby growing in her womb and yelled from the pain. A sonic force of noise hits Dolly to the ground. As this energy vampire begins to get up, Medusa is already standing over her. We stopped floating, but we were to drained to help fight. Medusa doesn't harm Dolly, but instead she hums a lullaby and it put Dolly to sleep. Medusa carries Dolly to the van, as we slowly follow after her. We all get in and drive back to the motel. When we get to the motel, the door is completely kicked open. Someone broke into our motel room. I get out to investigate, it appeared nobody was inside. Then out of nowhere, a woman in clad boots and spandex jumps out with a crooked dagger. She tried slicing into me, but I dodge the first attack. As I'm in my fighting stance, I put my palms together and slowly pull them apart, as an energy ball is formed. I throw that ball at the dagger and it shatters into a million pieces. One of the pieces shot back at me, and sliced my wrist. Blood began to drip down, but instead of falling to the ground, the blood coagulated in the air and formed a metal sword with a red gemstone on the handle's tip. As I raise this sword to strike down the woman hunter, she makes a quick escape and leaps through the window. I go back to the van and say, "We had someone break in and she was still there. A woman, fucking hot, with spandex. It is safe now."
Jason says, "What's that?
I say, "What's what?"
He points to the sword.
I say, "Oh yeah. So that woman cut me, and my blood formed this awesome sword. It's heavy and cool. As I hand the sword to Jason, so he can feel it, it dissolves in his hand.
Jason says, "It must be a special sword that only you can wield. That's awesome."
We can into the motel room. Medusa hums that sweet toon again, it awakens Dolly. She tried singing, but her power couldn't breach the salt circle around her.
Hijae says, "My name is Hijae. A few weeks ago, a demon flew through me leaving the tiniest fracture of its essence. That essence has merged with my special cells and gave me this possessed alter ego that has enough power to kill Gods. So I need your help to cure me of this thing.
Dolly says, "Oh, sweet girl. That spirit in you can't be cured. It must be killed or contained. It's the most powerful Deity that has existed. Even more powerful than The Mistress. We sensed it at its creation, we sensed each kill, and we sensed when it changed. As much as we worship it, and that she remains your friend, that thing inside is stronger than her. It will turn against everyone and everything. So yes, I'll help you contain it, but you need to never let it out because that power will grow and fully consume her."
I say, "We will contain her, but we will search the earth for a cure to it and set her free. She is our friend and part of a bigger triangle in life. What do you need to contain it?"
Dolly gives us a list of ingredients that we go out searching for. Most of it was in the Wiccan store, just down the street."
We get back to the motel with Jason asleep, not watching Dolly. I give her the ingredients, but she doesn't cast the spell. She just sits there.
I say, "Are you gonna cast it? We are running out of time."
Dolly says, "The spell won't be able to breach the salt circle. So can you disturb the salt, so I can cast that spell."
I hesitantly kick the salt with my foot. Dolly gets up, she runs towards Hijae. Placing her soft hand into Hijae's hand. Dolly is trying to feed off of Hijae, but unknowingly she is awakening The Godkiller. Dolly looks at Hijae, but that hungry black shadow stared back. It grabs Dolly by the hair and stares into her eyes. The Godkiller is draining Dolly Parton of everything inside. An unnerving energy rumbles through my body. I look down and see that the sword was once more in my hand. I raise it to strike, but I don't aim for Hijae. I aim for Dolly. My blade cuts through her face. She thuds to the ground, but her face remained afloat with Hijae's face. Still trying to consume her. Within nothing, The Godkiller drops the face and she teleports through a shadow, but to where, for we have no clue.
Meanwhile: In Los Angeles, Lucifer walks around the great city. He is in search of a career to work for his earthly life. He sees a poster up above that reads, "Shutdown Club in need of new Owner." He makes to the address on the billboard and goes inside. A girl in spandex and laced gloves and a leather jacket stands in the center of the club. She says, "Welcome to Lux. My name is Jade and you might not know me, but I know of you. This club can be yours, if you give me a drop of your blood and a single feather. I must create a weapon to kill a demon." With that, they had made an exchange. And that is the groundwork for the next chapter.
                    To Be Continued...

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