The God's Long Sleep

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With no clear evidence, Zeus was on the hunt looking for the being that killed his lovely daughter, Athena. He had ushered his two other brothers. Poseidon and Hades, to release their might upon the mortal realms. Zeus was causing a massive thunderstorm all around the world. Poseidon was causing hurricanes and tsunamis to attack along the edges of town. Hades was causing earthquakes and tremors, of which one cracked Long Isalnd. All while this Godly battle plays out in Mount Olympus, we are dumbstruck at the church. Medusa is staring into the mirror exclaiming, "I see a dead woman. She is right there in a temple." We just stare at the mirror and see ourselves. I say, "They might have trouble believing you, but if you see a girl, then I believe you. Try reaching towards the mirror." As she runs her hand along the metallic structure, it shimmers and shifts. We are staring at what she was explaining. She had somehow mustered a portal into existence through the mirror. She doesn't even hesitate to go right through it. She leaps through the mirror. Hijae, Emma, Willow, and I quickly follow after her. We are standing in a temple. Medusa is sitting next to the girl's body. She is crying. I ask, "Babygirl, what's wrong?"
Medusa says, "This isn't just any girl. This is Athena, the goddess that cursed me for fucking her Uncle Posiedon in her temple. This temple. Someone killed the only god that can lift my curse."
I respond, "You do know that I can maybe remove it. I am all mighty."
Medusa says, "Its not about the curse. It's about the acceptance of my apology. I just wanted Athena to accept me and the faults that I caused. I mean she should come back to life, right?" Just at that moment, we hear loud heals walking into the temple. We turn around to see Xena, who is in fact, Jason's Mom. I say, "What are you doing here? You do have responsibilities, oh wait. You aren't mature enough to take care of your son."
Xena says, "The only reason that I'm here is because Zeus wants me to find her killer. And he is gonna turn me into a god, if I find out who. Let's just say, she wont ever be reincarnated."
I say, "Tartarus. She would go there and come back, right."
Xena says, "Actually, their is objects that can permanently kill a god. And we found out about a being that can kill gods. Athena will never be again, due to an incredibly powerful threat known as The God-Killer."
Medusa says, "We want to help you guys find the killer. I need to avenge Athena and earn her respect beyond the grave. Where should we look first?" Xena kneels down next to the body, she looks around. Xena shouts, "Look! It's a footprint. A bigger foot. I'd assume a masculine man. Let's use magic and track it to the user." Xena tries using greek magic, but for some odd reason it wouldn't work. Willow says, "I assume, since the war in the sky. Zeus might have caused the Greeks to lose their powers. Let me try." Willow waves her hand over the footprint and suddenly all the steps become darker. We follow the steps out of the temple. Making our way to the shore. OMG! Yall wont believe who we saw. It was Hercules. He was barefoot in the water. Xena pulls her sword out and points it at Hercules throat. Xena says, "Why would you kill your sister, traitor?" Hercules says, "Hold up. I didnt kill Athena. She was already dead, when I had arrived. I tried CPR, but it did nothing. I dont know what killed her, but its not human or god. It's something else, entirely."
Xena says, "Join our crusade in finding the monster. We need to kill it." Hercules crashes to the ground. His lips were turning black. His eyelids were fully white.
Willow says, "What if the thing that attacked Athena, has some sort of virus linked to it? Like Hercules used CPR on her and now he is experiencing sickness. I'm gonna try healing him." Willow hovers her hand over his body. Nothing happens. Medusa says, "My sisters and I can try. We have the power of three." They lock hands togethor and an energy wraps around Hercules. He begins to heal. His face becomes full of color. Hercules gets up and screams, "The darkness. It was all around me. Leave me alone. Leave me ALONE." He runs into the ocean and disappears. What had he seen that was so scary? None of this is making sense. Something fucking freaky is going on. We tried chasing after him, but the water felt like acid. Something was keeping us on the land. Xena had ease stepping into the water. I think someone is trying to stop us from finding the killer. Or maybe someone is telling us that isnt the correct way of finding the killer. I say, "What if this isn't a threat by a greek menace? I believe that they might be targeting all gods. So let's visit the Oldest and Most well known, God."
Next time: We won't be taking a look at the next part of their story. We will be checking back with the couple that we left in Sunnydale, California.

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