The Brotherly Love

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Yellowrock, Montana:
In the middle of nowhere, our Super Gang found its way to Montana. We are in search of the first demon to be set free from hell. We have classified it as The First. A van carried Katherine, Jason, Emma, Hijae, Medusa, Willow, and me around the town. We are in hunt of a person that started worshipping this demon. The only information that we have on this dude is that his name is Isaac. We pull up to his small house in the middle of nothing. I take the lead and walk up to the door. I knock loud enough for Isaac to hear. A young boy comes to the door. I say, "Is their any chance we  can talk to your dad?" We think he might have the answers we need."
The boy says, "I dont have a dad. He moved out awhile ago. I'm all by my lonesome."
I ask, "Is their any chance you have Isaac's new address or number? We really need to speak with him"
The boy says, "My dad isnt Isaac. His name is Matthew. My name is Isaac. How am I supposed to help you?"
I say, "That cant be. You dont look like you are worshipping it. A few days ago, my friends and I released a demon from hell. We are trying to track it down and contain it." That boy slammed the door in my face. We started to hear rustling, like people are running towards us, but we didnt see anything or anyone. Laughter filled the air. It was child laughter. Something grabs my leg and pulls me into the house. The door slams and locks. I hear my friends banging on the door. I look around the living room and see a boy. He is crying in the corner with his face in his knees. It wasnt Isaac. I tell the boy, "Come here. You dont need to cry. I can save you." Then the boy starts to laugh and turns to face me. His eyes were black and blood dripping down his face. His veins were darkly outlined along his face. The boy says, "Bow, before me. I am the black entity that you seek." I feel an overwhelming desire to bow. The boy says, "How many people are outside? I need to know how many seats to make. And dont lie to me"
I say, "M'lord, their is a total of 6 outside. They all have gifts. Be cautious." The boy opens the door and let's my friends inside. He starts to scream, "Liar! LIAR! Liar! Their is more. You have lied to me. Isaac, come here and cut his tongue out." This renders in the back of my head and I remember, Katherine is pregnant. So their is seven people. Isaac holds onto a machete, and begins to cut my tongue. My skin is healing as fast as he cuts into it. So its cutting like a hard gummy. The craziest thing happened. Jason had a flash of heroism and villainism at the same time. He darts towards Isaac and grabs the machete. He clashes the machete into Isaac's chest. Suddenly, the spirit leaves the boy's body. The First is in its energy form as it tries running off, but Willow creates a field around it and tries to send it back to hell. It fails. The field cracks and the energy shoots outward. Willow says, "My magic cant send it back to hell and I cant hold it long enough. We need to look for a totem or artifact to trap it. Let's all get in the car."
I say, "I'll meet you there. I wanna check on the boy and see if he is okay." My friends walk out of the house and into the car. I stand next to the boy. I say, "Are you okay? My name is Earth and we saved you."
The boy says, "Good. Ccc. Constantine. John Constantine. My brother is dead." I place my hands over the wound on Isaac's heart. I focus on his cells regenerating and he sits up with fast reflexes. I say, "You need to take care of John and be good. Move out of this hell hole and into a nice place to raise him. Nebraska is nice. I gotta go now. See you guys later." We all get back into the van and on our way to find something to contain The First.

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