The Murder Man

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As you might know, I'm always the point of view character. We should take a look at our friends Katherine and Jason. So for the remainder of this chapter, Katherine will be the POV.
Hey, yall. It's your fabulous friend, Katherine. You probably have been wondering how my sweet children are doing. Malia and Marlon are the greatest bundles of love. They have accelerated aging, due to their genetics. I think they get it from Jason's side. His mom is a greek warrior named Xena. Anyways, my kids are about three years old. They are practically running around the apartment. I can't pay attention to just one because the other will get into mischief. Its chaotic. Malia was drawing symbols on the walls. She also had to imaginary friends named Voidesta and Volfampire. She would make a great witch, when she grows older. Marlon has been the opposite. He is very quiet and keeps to himself. Half the time, I feel like he is depressed. Like since I gave birth, Jason has been working at a camp just over 3 miles from our house. The kids haven't seen him. I am planning a trip to surprise him. So today, I wake up bright and early with a lovely smile on my face. I dress the kids into adorable little camp uniforms. I had their snacks and clothes prepackaged. So all they needed to do was eat some breakfast. We get into the car and drive about 20 minutes. We arrive at Camp Crystal Lake. The camp was all huddled around outside by the lake. The town's sheriff was there. I get out of the car and ask, "What the hell is going on here? I'm just trying to surprise my husband."
The sheriff looked me dead in the eyes and said, "Their has been multiple kids and councilors going missing. Along with them, the cook Jason Voorhees went missing. We need someone to find him, but all of my deputies are on vacation. So I was gonna enlist the camp."
I deadass kicked my car and said, "Yall ain't gonna have a whole bunch of hormonal teens look for my baby daddy. I'm gonna help you find him. I know his every move. I just need someone to watch my children." A sweet older woman walks towards me and the sheriff. She says, "I'd be delighted to take care of such beautiful children. My name is Pamela Anderson. What might be your children's names?" I told her their names and had her take them to her cabin. I went looking for my husband. The first place that I was gonna check is his cabin. As I open the door, a musty odor fills my nostrils. I gag at the stentch. Lifting my shirt over my face to form some kind of mask, I begin to search. I come across a picture of a young boy with a hot blonde early 30's lady. This boy was Jason, but who was the woman. I notice his suitcase wasnt fully unpacked. So I walk towards it and unzip the front pouch. I pull out a necklace. It was the necklace that I got him, when we first started dating. He never took it off, so someone must've taken him. I clutch the necklace and I start to see images. Flashes of images go through my eyes. I saw a masked man walking in the forest. The vision ends. What the hell did I see? I've never been able to see visions. Anyways, I knew that Jason was always in love with swimming. I walk to the lake. As I glance about, I see a golden earring. Picking up the earring, I remember back to the image. That blonde lady had the same earrings. Is she here? Is she alive?
45 minutes later... I'm laying on a hard, cabin bed trying to sleep. I hear the cooing from the owls, squeaking from the rodents, and cawing from the crows. In the thickest of night, all the animalistic sounds go dead. I thought at first that my hearing gave way, but I realized something sinister had scared them off. I get out of bed. Stepping my feet into the slippers, I tiptoe outside. I can sense the monster almost like I feel its emptiness. I walk around the camp and find my way to a cabin. I was thinking this is weird. As I open the door, I see Pamela crying and shaking. She turns to see me and says, "I tried to stop it. It took your kids into the forest." This really struck a nerve with me, but for someone reason it didn't seem believable. I look around the room and notice. Their was no struggle. Surely if the monster took my kids, why wouldn't they fight back? What if it wasnt the monster, but their father? Why did my senses take me to this cabin though? I look at Pamela again and it all clicks togethor. She was only wearing one, gold earring. The same one that matches the one that I found and that matches the blonde girl. I say, "My kids weren't kidnapped by a monster. They were saved from a monster, by their father. You are the monster." She begins to laugh. As she starts to get up, I realized that she was changing into something. A spider creature stood before me. I turn to run out the door. As I'm running through the camp, I'm looking for some escape. I start to stumble and then I trip over a log. I look back to see if she was following, but I didnt see her. I get upto my feet and shake the dust off my knees and hands. I look forward and see the spider creature. It pushes me to the ground with its huge legs. Its teeth things are trying to eat me, but I'm fighting back. I lose my strength and think that I am going to give up, but the creature falls dead onto me. I see a tall man hovering over me. I start to freak out, until he holds out his hand and see its Jason. I reach for his hand and grab it. I get to my legs and hug Jason. He had slain the spider creature with a machete. I look into his eyes. I saw my husband. He said, "Long ago, my mom Xena sent me to this camp because she hadn't wanted to take care of me. I never fit in with any of the children. I found a liking with Pamela Anderson. She took care of me, but I found out that she would kill kids to remain young. So as a ten year old boy, I had used a magic book called The Necronomicon to make her not feed for 20 years, but over these last 8 years the murders begin to escalate more and more. As of yesterday, Pamela was young and beautiful again, but she isnt staying young as long. I needed to kill her. I didnt think you and the kids would come." That story was fascinating towards me, but he still needs a job.
I say, "We need to settle down. Let's take over this camp and refurbish it. I wanna move here."
Three days later... Jason and I had settled down at the camp. Today the weather was fucking strange. The sky was bright with lightning. The lake was waving greatly and earthquakes kept happening every 10 minutes. I was getting nauseous sitting in the cabin. So I take the kids outside and we stand near the shore of the lake. Another tremble happens, and a crack begins to split apart the ground. The crack was separating Marlon from me and Malia. The ground begins to crack and more of the ground falls into the hole. The thunder scares Marlon and he missteps. He falls into the pit. I leap in after him. He was holding onto a series of roots. I hold onto the ledge as I grab his waist. I lift Marlon up and onto the ground, next to his sister. Another shake happens and I lose my gripping. I let go and fall. As I'm lying in the pit, slowly dying, I hear my kids yelling, "Daddy! DADDY, help mommy!" I see Jason's shadow. He leaps inwards and grabs me. He crawls out. I put my hand on his cheek and say, "Bye, my love. May our dreams ever connect our souls." And I died.
The moment of Jason's wife's death, he vowed to never worship Greeks again. He cast out his mother from his life and he was gonna raise the kids alone. He was pissed to the bone. And when the story sees him next, we will see his changed heart.
To be continued...

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