The In and Outs

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We have been driving and driving and driving. With every hope to get to Sunnydale, California. The van had broken down somewhere outside of Los Angeles. We all were starving. Katherine was panting from exhaustion. Jason was comforting her. Willow was at the shop getting the van worked on. Medusa, Emma, Hijae, and I went out looking for some food. We stopped at a small burger shop called Inn-n-Out Burger. As soon as I walked inside, I felt a weird surge of negativity. Something wasn't right. I walked into the back employee section. I saw a man's top half sticking out of a giant meat grinder and a monster like figure. The man was unconscious. This monster stalked towards me. I saw a glint in his eye and I remember seeing this same shine in the eye of the boy being controlled by The First. I run into the lobby and yell, "Power of Three." The three girls instantly understand what I mean. They use their powers and bracelets. The monster floats into the air and as they pull the darkness, it begins to shapeshift into a person. The darkness fades into the air, but the person that remains is none other than Betty White. The famous actress said, "Thank you for saving me from that beast. This spirit touched me and changed me into that beast. I forever will be in your debt. Now who wants some burgers." She went to the back and whipped up seven burgers and fries. We took the greasy, fast food bags with us to the mechanics. Willow, Jason, and Katherine were parked in the van, waiting in the front of the mechanics. We get into the car. I pass out the food among our fellow Super Gang. Willow pushed the burger away and said, "I avoid eating before I use magic. It gets me nauseous and anxious. Go ahead and one of you guys eat it." Katherine snatches that burger and fries like she was shopping for the last xbox on Black Friday. She must've been starving. A few hours down the highway, we arrive in Sunnydale, California. We get out of the van. Katherine looked down at her seat and said, "Why is that wet? I dont think I pissed myself. Anyways, no big deal." We get to an entrance for a series of caves. I lead us into the caves, as we hunt for The Seal. The caves grow darker. I hear my friends following close behind. "Squawk! Squawk! Squawk!" I shine my flashlight up to look and I see millions of tiny beady eyes staring back at me. I say, "Everyone stay forward and follow me. Dont point ur flashlights up. We are almost there." We get to a smaller part of the cave that we have to crawl, as we are crawling through this tangled mess of spider webs, I feel something touch my back. I turn my head to look and I see a giant ass spider right there. It must've been a tarantula. I scream out, "Ahhhhhh!" This alarms the bats in the cave and they start flying at us. Medusa let's out a hiss that scares the spiders and bats away from us. We make it to the end of the narrow tunnel. We are standing in front of a decently big rounded circle. This is The Seal. I say, "This is the only entrance and exit, therefore if we seal it with blood magic. The First shouldn't be able to escape." Medusa. Hijae, and Emma use their newfound Powers of Three and hone in on the location of The First. They pull it into the cave. I say, "Put the demon into the pit and hold it there, until me and Willow take over." The move The First into the hole. Willow and I bend the magic around the first to keep it in the pit. I said, "Emma, Hijae, Medusa, Katherine, and Jason form a star around the pit and hold hands. With The Seal of Danzalthar, I trap The First. Only the flowing blood of man can open it and only will The First be able to influence. Not use his own abilities." A metal Pentagon formed over the hole as a gush of magic flutters through the cave.
In the Seal: Unawre to us. Many corpses were inside the pit and as the first became home to this place, his essence woke all of the corpses. That was the creation of Uber Vampires. Over the millenia, one vampire got out and mated with a human creating the more realistic human like vampires.
Back to us: We all start to crawl out of the series of caves. We make our way back to the car. All of a sudden, Katherine falls to the ground, screaming with all her might, "Ahhhhh! Make it stoppppp!" Willow touches her body and sees what is wrong. Katherine was going into labor. That wet spot must have been her water breaking. We all put her in the van and drive to the nearest hospital. We arrive at Sunydale Emergency. They rush her into the birthing unit. As she lays on the bed, the nurses instruct her to push. She pushes out a boy. The boy was named Marlin. And she pushed out another child. She must be having twins. The second child was a girl, but she was unconscious. Katherine began to cry. One single tear fell on the baby girls forehead and woke her up. The girl was named Malia. Things seem like they are getting better, but unfortunately they are getting worse. Jason was getting very anxious. We decided that we would leave Katherine and Jason until they feel better and we would go help citizens deal with their darkness. So Emma, Hijae, Medusa, Willow, and I leave the hospital. On to our next adventure.

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