The Fox and the Hound

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In Sunnydale, a young girl wanders into the cemetery to admire the headstones. As she goes over to one of the headstones, a smog begins to roll into the cemetery. She starts to breath in this air, but it starts to turn her skin a bright, burning red. Her face grows and cracks into an animal-like creature. She became a Fokes or in american terms Fox. Her long hair is now red. As she was frightened of her transformation, she was pacing nervously back and forth near The Willow Tree and the headstones. She had drifted off asleep, but for the moment that she was awoken by a beautiful lady. This lady touched the fox girl's face. She was returning her to her natural human form. But one thing remained on the girl, her vividly bright red hair. The older lady that saved her said, "My name is Betsie White, but my friends call me Betty White. What is your name, my dear?" The girl looks confused and replied, "Honsstly, for I dont even remember my own name. I've been through too much." Betty glances around and looks at the tree, that the girl was laying on. She says, " Your name will now be Willow. For we will be friends."
Many months later: Willow and Betty had become best friends. Betty taught Willow how to harness her love and hate into magic. They became full on Wiccans, but they didnt do the same things we did. They worshiped the holy spirit and tried using magic to enter heaven, but they released a spirit from heaven. They had released The First Angel, The First Light, or The Other Light. This angel left a mark in Betty's soul. Unlike with us trapping The First Demon, they tried sending The First Angel back, but it actually ended up in Hell. This had alerted God to knowing the existence of the magic realms, so he was scared and gave Lucifer the job as the new God and the warden of hell.
Currently: Hijae, Emma, Medusa, Willow, and I were looking for some new adventure. Willow suggested we visit her friend. So we were driving the van to San Diego, California. We arrive infront of this huge church. Betty White was standing outside on the steps to the church. Willow got out and ran to her. They embraced each other in a hug. Willow let's go of the hug, as she says, "I want you guys to meet my friend, Betsie White. We have known each other for a very long time."
Betty interrupts her friend and says, "We have met. They are the ones that cured the angelic spirit in me and the demonic spirit. Those three girls are gifted. They might be the strongest witches that I've ever met."
I say, "What do you mean angelic? The first was only a demon. So where did the angelic spirit come from?"
Willow looks at Betsie and shakes her head, but Betsie says, "We have to tell them the full story. What if it is happening, again?" They had spewed the story about how everything began for them. Apparently, The First Angel left something behind in Betsie and when the The First Demon was strolling through town, it was drawn to latch part of itself on to her as well. The Power of Three was able to remove both, but Willow is worried that Hijae might have some demon in her. Hijae says, "I haven't even felt a darkening pull. I'm still me. And I think I'll be fine." We all settle into the church for the night. Medusa and I share a room, while Emma and Hijae have their own rooms. We did eat dinner, but afterwards we were sent to bed. Medusa had a separate bed next to mine. I was laying in the bed with the blanket covering my whole form. I had fallen asleep, but I hear a blood curdling scream, "Aoooooohhhhh. Stooooooopp!" I leap out of bed and run towards the sound. I see Hijae cornered on the ground, and Betsie holding a kitchen knife hovering over her. I point my hand outwards. The knife shoots into my palm. I drop it and push Betsie out of the way. Holding my hand out for Hijae, I help her to her feet. Betsie runs toward us with the knife, once again, in hand. I kick her in the gut. She screams, "I MUST KILL THE DARKNESS." Willow runs into the room, she wiggles her wrist and the vines on the old wallpaper come to life and grab onto Betsie. Willow says, "What has happened to my friend? You always believed in second chances."
Betsie laughs and says, "I'm just trying to kill the darkness before it amplifies. I'll kill you all, if I have to."
Willow says, "I don't want to do this, but I am going to. Hijae hasn't shown any signs like you. Abra Kadabra!" Betsie became a hound, a pomeranian.
Meanwhile: The sky started to produce a great amount of thunder and lightning. The oceans roar with so much waves. A huge crack breaks apart New Jersey and New York. This small part of rock becomes Long Island.
Medusa starts to smell a strong iron like smell. She follows the smell to a mirror. Tracing her finger on the mirror, she can see through it. She sees a woman dead in a temple. This woman was in a huge puddle of blood. Who is the girl? Who killed her? What is going on?
To be continued...

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