God and Goddess

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Hey, everyone. It's been a whole chapter without me narrating and I missed it. My name is Earth and this is the next part of the story. After we figured that we should visit God, I booked a trip to Jamaica. It was the day of the trip. Zeus's might has calmed down and he wasnt lighting up the sky like fourth of June Week. We are aboard the huge plane, as it soars great heights. I can hear the beautiful singing birds and I feel all at peace. The flight attendant comes over to my seat. She hands me my Coca-Cola and peanuts. I quickly scarf it all down. This is a long flight. Oh my gawd! I start to get queasy as we get closer to Jamaica. I go to the restroom doors. I pull it open, but it doesn't budge. Someone must be in their. Glancing around the airplane cabin, I see Emma, Medusa, and Willow. It must be Hijae in the restroom. She comes out and I glance at her face. She was wet. Did she wash her face? I go into the bathroom and piss. I start hearing screaming. I barely open the laboratory door to see terrorists. They had masks and sunglasses covering their faces. Full bodied black stealth suits. And they have guns pointed at my friends. I take a deep breath and charge out of the bathroom. I have my hands pointed in front of me and I just let go of my stress and anger. My powers unleashed ice and fire. Ice came from my left hand, while fire came from my right hand. The ice took out one of the three men. The fire took out the other man. We just need to stop the last man. I push the fire and ice streams togethor and it started to create rock. A long, narrow spike stabs it's way into the last dude. Medusa and Emma start clapping and congratulating me. Medusa says, "Dude, you just did some crazy shit. How is that even possible? Wow."
"I'm not really too sure. I just think my powers are growing. Just like how your powers worked with the mirror." I pull my phone from my pocket. Trying to turn it on, but nothing happens. What is wrong with my phone? Medusa and the others check theirs. Willow says, "I think we have entered the dead zone. Technology will start to degenerate, for the closer we get to the divine. Everyone buckle up." We all sit down and the plane lands. The flight attendant was missing. I ask, "What happened to the flight attendant?"
Willow says, "She had been one of the terrorists. The pilot and copilot was also involved. So like I had to use magic to land the plane."
We all deboard the plane. I sniff the strong air and smell the scent of The Grand Creator. I lead the group through the forested jungle. Walking past trees, rivers, and animals. We get to a small hut. I hit my first into the center of the door, making a knocking sound. A tall black man walks upto the door and opens it. He says, "Well, look who it appears to be. Welcome my children. I've been expecting you." He invites us into his home. His house was so fungshway. We gather around the coffee table. God and Goddess sit next to each other. God says, "I'm glad that you guys have come. We sense an ancient evil has been released upon this world, once more. We also got informed of Athena's untimely death. I have to believe that only you can stop this evil, Earth. That is the reason that I tested you on the plane. You have creator abilities like me. I wanna train you on how to create a weapon strong enough to defeat the GodKiller."
I say, "Hold on! I didnt know that was a test. Also I'm not killing this person til I know more about them. We just want the identity of the being."
God says, "For even I couldn't see the face of the killer. It was concealed by Creator magic that stifles mine. And let me just teach you to make a simple cup. Hold out your hand, imagine a cup in your mind, and snap your fingers." God just created a mug right there on the table. I try to do it next. I hold my hand out, imagine a cup, and snap. It created a mug that was all cracked and jagged. God says, "One must clear their mind of the darkness and focus completely. Imagine something full if life that makes you smile." I then try again. I focus on my love. I hold my hand out and think of how many wars she must have been in, and snap. I snapped my fingers and a shield was created. The shield had a metallic painting of Medusa. Goddess claps and says, "Wow. That was a great creation. Even my husband wasnt that fluent. I can definately see who was your inspiration."
Medusa noticed the metallic figure and says, "Hold on! Do you like me? Are you attracted to me?"
I say, "I've felt a connection with you since the day that we met. I'm in love with you and I think we are meant to be as one."
Medusa starts to cry, I take my thumb and wipe away a tear. I put my lips on hers and experience my first kiss. Electricity shocked every ounce of my existence. I truly was in love. God says, "Enough, my children. We must prepare you, Earth, for the approaching battle." God takes me into his DoJo. God says, "You might not think a weapon would help you, but I think it would benefit. Create a weapon that can wipe away your enemy, if need be." I kneel down, hold my hands outward with the palms pointing up. I imagine a sword that can destroy someone if they are truly bad, but just temporarily stop the semibad. I imagine this blade can easily be concealed. Suddenly, it magically stitched itself into existence. I said, "With this power, I name the blade Deternal." I imagine the sword vanishing. Suddenly my wrist opened up, the sword began to liquify and crawl into my veins. My wrist sealed itself back shut. God then says, "Remember, my child, dont let anyone know that you have this weapon. Keep it sacred." We walk out of his DoJo and back into the living room. All of my friends were asleep with Goddess. They are passed out on the ground and couches. God goes over to Goddess and shakes her awake, but she doesnt budge. I go to Medusa, shake, wakes up. Next Emma, shake, wakes up. Next Hijae, shake, wakes up. And finally I shake Willow, she wakes up. So why isn't Goddess awake. God says, "My wife is dead. She has been murdered. Do you know what happened?"
Willow stutters as she gets her words just right. She says, "We were just talking about life and our love life. We were all laughing. Then a deep sleep had fogged over our eyes and we had all went to sleep. She must've died during that. Let me check." Willow scans over the body with her hand. She responds, "I believe that Goddess is fully dead, just like Athena."
God threw a huge fit. He said, "That's fucking impossible. She cant die. We are the literal existence. Let me try healing her." God got down on his knees and holds his warm hand on Goddess's breast. Nothing happens. God starts forcing his power into her, still nothing. He clutched his chest with his hand and dies. God just died. Willow says, "The trauma of seeing his wife dead, triggered a heart attack. God has died. We have three Gods dead and no way to bring them back. We need to assemble the team. And I mean all of them. Including Katherine and Jason." I stalk through God's living room to the phone. It had no buttons, maybe I think of the person that I want to call. I think of Jason and Katherine as I pick it up and hold it to my ear. Neither of my friends had picked up, instead it was a British man that said, "Dad?!? It's been a long time. Why did you pick up the EverPhone?"
I responded, "Ummmm! I dont really know how to put this, but your old man and woman are both dead. So like my name is Earth. What is your name?"
The stranger on the other end says, "Morningstar. Lucifer Morningstar. Nice to meet you and have a good day." The phone beeps dead. And it disappears out of my hand. Hijae says, "Since the plane is dead and we cant reach them. I might be able to create a shadow portal. And we can get their in less than a second."
Medusa says, "Hold up! You can create portals now? That's great. Do it!!!"
Hijae closes the window blinds and a shadow is cast upon the living room. She knelt down on one knee and waved her hands around the shadow cast against the blinds. A portal forms right in the middle of the blinds. She stays knelt and says, "Everyone hurry through. I cant keep it open, if I go through first." We each climb through the portal. One after one. And Hijae comes through last. She says, "This is the shadow realm. Thousands of doors connect to this realm. People just cant access it, except me. Doors are added anytime a shadow is cast over a place and they disappear as well. We need to find the shadow closest to Jason."
To be continued...

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