The Storybound

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After we left Lucifer, we were back into the house. I searched everywhere for Emma and Willow. They weren't there and no sign of them being there for a long time. I started to freak out. Bloody Mary said, "We could use a tracking spell to find them, but it could be very risky. It's up to you Earth."
I respond, "Anyway to help my friends is a risk worth taking." We did the tracking spell and it displayed Willow in Sunnydale, California. And Emma was in a small town as well, called Storybrooke, Maine. Latching my clamming hands within Jason, Bloody Mary, and Hijae, we use my magical abilities to teleport into Sunnydale. We stood in front of a huge high school. Students surrounded the school, but perched next to a tree was Willow and a small group of teens. I start to walk that way, when Willow notices us and comes to us. She said, "What are you guys doing here? This isn't supposed to happen."
I said, "Now, what do you mean? We are here to save you and bring you back."
Willow said, "I don't need saving. So let them me tell you what happened when you guys went through the mirror. My powers started going bonkers. Emma was having flashes and visions of her life as The Mistress. And one day, she was in the garden and plucked The Flowers into existence. So now The Mistress's daughters are here and alive. I came here and a magic engulfed me into their story. I totally forgot about u guys and everything that has happened, but when I saw Earth. I began to remember. Anyways, I sent Emma with the remaining magic that I had into her own story in Storybrooke. I think it would be best to leave us out of the mission now. We don't wanna drive attention from the Godkiller."
I said, "I really don't know what you mean by The Flowers. But I do know that we found The Godkiller and it's Hijae. We ended up in Hell. She has some kind of shackles that tame the beast."
Willow says, "I'm glad that you found The Godkiller. We will need to stop her.  But as far as the flowers, that's not my story to tell."
Bloody Mary says, "Your not gonna kill Hijae. We will leave here and your story will continue, while we look for a cure. As for The Flowers. Long ago, like the stories depict, I arrived here in a space shift. I was pregnant with triplets. I was unsure if they would carry my powers, so I enchanted them into flowers. And only if I picked them, they would exist. So by Emma plucking the flowers, she made Buffy, Kendra, and Faith alive. She gave them a start. And I believe that Willow is now watching them to ensure they don't ever show my power."
Willow says, "Exactly. As far as I can tell, they haven't dwelled in the occult or magic. They do have increased strength from their story as Vampire Slayers. Anyways, I gotta go before they realize something's off." She hurried back to them and i felt like she began to forget once more. What is this thing that is happening? People that are Storybound near me depart from their stories. Like most humans, we didn't listen to Willow's warning. We went to Storybrooke.
Storybrooke, Main
Just arriving in town, we feel an utter chill through our spines. This place was devious and dark. It was cold and cloudy. I noticed Emma. She saw me, but walked past without caring. Bloody Mary tried to get her attention and said, "Hey, sis. We are here for you."
Emma acted as if she hadn't seen her. I walk over to a store and look in the window. I didn't see anything, thus meaning we don't have a form in this land. I say, "Guys. We are ghosts in this town. They can't see us."
Jason says, "That's a new definition for a Ghost Town."
I ran up to Emma and grabbed her wrist. I was able to touch her. A burst of yellow light flowed and she looked right at me. She said, "How are you here? This town has a curse on it." I let go and she suddenly went back to doing the same thing as moments ago. I go over to the group and say, "I think I have the power to pull people from their Storybound lives. We can't medal into other people's stories, or their might be hella consequences." Suddenly, Hijae's skin turned black and shadowy. She vanished somewhere in this town. Medusa and I hold hands. Suddenly we chant, "One that's lost. Must be found. Show us her location."
A portal teleports is into an old crypt. Hijae held a man atop a coffin. She started to envelope a shadow around her hand. The shadow moved along her wrist, fingers, and palm. She jived her hand through the man's chest. I run upto him. And thrust my hand through his chest and grab his heart. His heart glowed bright red but was starting to turn black and crumble. I focused on splitting the dark parts from the healthy parts. And split the heart. I ran outside with the still beating heart in my hand and slammed it into the ground. Giving it a new chance at living. This heart was reborn in Derry, Maine as Pennywise the Dancing Clown. Unaware to us, a little boy, the son of the man, watched as he thought we had killed his papa. I go back into the crypt. And see Hijae and Medusa walking back and forth in a fighting stance. Hijae attacks Medusa with her fingers pointing out. Medusa dodged the attack. She punches Hijae in the thigh. Jason grabs Hijae by the neck. I run and grab Hijae. I focus on our friend. And I pull her to the service of the body. She takes control and her skin turns regular. The shadow is pulled within Hijae.
To Be Continued...

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