The Bad Place

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How can The Godkiller be from Hell? This isn't possible. The only being we released was The First. And we trapped it. Maybe it latched it's energy into someone like how The Other First did with Betsy. I'm not too sure. I do know that now we are in Hell, the place that Willow told us not to go. And we are here with the Godkiller. Walking through the doors was a woman with black hair and dark skin similar to Hijae. This girl had poofy hair and she appeared to be fierce. She said, "My name is Astra. Welcome to Hell. I guard this realm from threats. Do you oppose the grand Lord?"
I bow upon one knee and say, "We don't mean any harm. My name is Earth and I come from The Earth. My friends released a powerful evil and it's in this temple. We need help trapping it."
Astra reaches into her ass pocket and pulls out a pair of handcuffs. She walks over to the shimmering shadow and handcuffs it. Starting from the handcuffs, an energy enlightened every ounce of The Godkiller. It revealed the person. Bloody Mary runs to The Godkiller and hugs her. She says, "I should've listened. I could've stopped this. We are The Mistress. Please, Hijae, don't kill us."
And yes Hijae was The Godkiller. She was shackled in those magic demon handcuffs that revealed the truth. Astra says, "Come on you worthless demon. My king would be delighted to see you."
Jason says, "Hold on, right there woman. She might be possessed, but she is still our friend. So your not taking her anywhere."
Astra says, "This creature has the power to kill any being and you want to protect it. Fine by me, but just know that the way back to your world is through mine." Astra disappears in a thick haze of water vapor. We are standing their in the doorway. I start to feel my fingers tingling. Small ice crystals were forming on my fingertips. I raise my hand and thick amounts of ice shoot outward. My ice powers work out here. Jason, Bloody Mary, the detained Hijae, and I venture forth into this new world. If your wondering, Hell is in fact all iced over and cold. So we might have a small problem. This place is huge, we don't know where anything is located, and their is demons. We ran into a dark skinned woman. She was a demon named Mazikeen. She was fierce, but polite. She had me pinned against a wall, with a curved dagger across my throat. She says, "Why have you came here? What do you offer?"
I touch my hand to dagger, and it shatters into a million ice crystals. I say, "So my name is Earth and we are trying to go home. You aren't gonna hurt me or my friends." This girl looked terrified when I used my powers. She said, "You can control the Dark Ruins energy source. That's impossible. Not even our Lord can control it. He would be delighted to hear about a sorcerer like you." She took off running and as I chased after this girl, she leaps through a door within the wall. The door shuts, but as I go to open it. Nothing was on the other side. What could be going on? As we walk around Hell, we come to the direct center. A huge throne stood overhead. A handsome British man sat in that throne. I instantly felt a connection to him. Like all of him, needed me. I bowed. He said, "Forever, I have been down here in this prison. With no knowledge of an escape, except my girls told me that you have a way out. So you will lead me into your world." Lucifer stepped down from the throne and he stood before us. He walked to Hijae and touched her hair. A Smokey smell came off of his hand and he pulled it back liked it burned. He said, "That's a demon inside of her. And it hasn't killed her. She is fighting it. What a brave girl!
I say, "Well then let's go and leave this place, but you better abide by our rules and not do anything evil."
Lucifer says, "For my first visit on Earth, I would never do any harm."
So I begin our journey to the Northern side of Hell. We come to a jailed like hole. The bars were made of bone. I heard screams coming from the skeletons. I touched my hand onto one of those bars. It started to melt like caramels in a saucepan. It was a liquified bone. Lucifer said, "How could you do that? I've tried using all kinds of weapons and stuff. Nothing could break through."
I said, "Something down here is making my powers work again. I used to have both fire and ice. My ice worked earlier against Mazikeen. And my fire must've melted through the bones." I lead them through this thin canal. It was like a small cave. When we came through, we made our way through a sewer system. Lucifer was the last one out. He couldn't get through the sewer hole. Almost like an invisible force was holding him there. I reached my hand out and he took it. Suddenly he could go through. We all stood in Los Angeles, California. The sun was beating down my face. I looked up and almost felt like the sun winked at me. As I turned to look at Bloody Mary, she held her stomach. She said, "I think we were down their longer than expected. I'm 8 months pregnant. And it's our child from when I, as in Medusa, and you hooked up." She grabbed her phone and tried calling Emma and Willow, but the phone kept ringing. I say, "It was fun meeting you, Lucifer. But we must go and find our friends. And find out how to separate the demon from our friend." I grab onto Jason, Hijae, and Bloody Mary. And we teleport to the house.
To be continued...

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