The Crippled Boy

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So let's take a step back from my point of view. And let's see how Jason is doing
Jason POV
I just made the vow to seek revenge against the greeks. I took Katherine's body and laid it peacefully on our bed. I took the children to the camp, so they could be watched over by the Council. And I was setting out to Las Vegas, Nevada. I needed to find a tool out in that Sin City. So I booked the plane ride and arrived. I'm standing in this huge city. Lights shine everywhere. They start to blind me. I cant see anything. I wander out and into the street. Pckkkkkkk! A bus hits into my side. Knocking me forward and onto the ground. I feel blood oozing from my legs and arms. My vision begins to return to normal. For some weird reason, my pain was subsiding and I began to stand. I got my footing and continued on the way. I walk for about thirteen minutes. Arriving infront of Ash's Emporium. I open the bulky wood door and walk inside. A man with a chainsaw hand was at the register. I said, "I'm looking for The Book. I need to use it."
Ash says, "For what book do you mean. We have many books. Books about death, magic, and even love."
I shout, "Not that fake bullshit. I need The Necronomicon."
Ash says, "Hell no! That book is off limits. It has caused so much disaster in all of my life. Now get out of my store."
I walk out of the store. I hide in the alley til they close. So about an hour. I see Ash walking out of the back doors. I hold my machete tightly. I jump out and kablam. I strike his hand that was holding The Necronomicon. His hand and the book falls to the ground. I pick up the book and run. I speed to my last destination. I run all the way to The Maskit. I open the metallic doors and see the perfect mask. A hockey mask. I buy it and leave. Next stop is Aunty Em's Garden Emporium. I arrive right there in the shop. I see the man that is my target. He is watering the plants. I take my hockey mask and put it atop my face. I open the book and suddenly I feel a dark impulse. I read the latin words and it starts to stitch the plants into skeleton monsters. I command the skeletons to attack Hercules. And I also push my way through them and we surround him. I hold my machete out and say, "Your dad has fucking taken my love away. So I'm taking everything that he loves away. Starting with you. I'm gonna seize your life. I lift the machete and slash at him, but somebody stops me
Earth's POV
We are in the shadow realm. Walking the long halls. I glance at every scene for Jason. I come towards the worst thing possible. I see Hercules surrounded by thousands of Shadows and one of those shadows are Jason. What is he trying to do? I shout, "Everyone! Over here. He is inside of this shadow door." They all rush to my side. I hop into the portal first. I lift my hands above my head, as Jason's machete shatters against my wrists. He was trying to kill Hercules. I get up and yell, "What the hell are you doing, dude? That's Zeus's son. We dont need anymore dead Gods."
Jason says, "Hold up! What do you mean dead Gods. They literally cant die."
I say, "Something killed Athena and Zeus threw a hissy fit. He shook the world. And then Goddess was murdered as well, which caused God to have a heart attack and die."
Jason says, "That must be why Katherine was killed. Oh my god. I still wanna kill Hercules though."
I say, "Hold on! Katherine is dead. Oh hell nah. We are killing Hercules."
I start to feel my sword pulling itself out of my arm. I take it and stab Hercules. I see his life leave his body. And I feel darkness grow in my heart. This man's body disintegrated. The skeletons began to attack me. Jason opened the book and tried returning them to plants, but the spell wasn't working. All of our friends began to help fight these monsters off. Suddenly we are all to our breaking point. We are exhausted and weak. I couldn't fight anymore. I stab my sword into the ground. A small burst of energy erupts out and attacks a few of the skeletons. I formulated a plan in my head. I yell, "Everyone, surround the sword in a circular pattern. And create an energy ray into the sword." My friends surround my sword and Hijae uses darkness. Emma uses light magic. Medusa uses stone energy. Willow uses magic. And Jason uses strength energy. Finally I create a stream of energy that comes from the heavens. All of these energies combine and jet off of the sword attacking the skeletons. All the skeletons are gone, so we end the streams of energy, but the stream I created remained. I tried ripping the sword out of the ground and suddenly lightning hit all of us. Why did that energy attack me?
To be continued...

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