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After my 4 months was up I was released to the Carrington Manor with an ankle monitor.

"I've never seen someone look so depressed," Fallon said walking in looking at me staring at the ceiling.

"Bored not depressed. Maybe both." I said.

"What would you be doing back in your little town?" Fallon asked.

"Running from cops, playing pool with my family, drinking, making sure Sweet Pea and Fangs don't kill anyone. Bartending, giving people tattoos, working at the construction site." I said.

"You work construction?" Fallon asked.

"Used to. My brother's best friend's dad owns a construction site and sometimes I would work in the office or on-site." I said.

"Well you're not allowed to drink alcohol or I can't get your weird named friends up here, but we have a pool table," Fallon said. "Come on get up." I stood up and Fallon led me outside and down the steps to the pool room.

"Woah. This is insane." I said.

"Be prepared to be decimated by my fine motor skills," Fallon said.

"Even your trash talk is shocking. If you were in the snakepit you'd get eaten alive." I said.

"Good thing we're not in the snakepit then isn't it?" Fallon teased.

"Come on trust fund baby you can take the break," I said.

"You're asking for a slap," Fallon warned.

"Oh, whatever," I smirked. She rolled her eyes taking the shot.

"You sure you can handle this game with your busted wrist." Fallon teased.

"I'm not the one probably panicking about breaking a nail," I said sticking my tongue out.

"So tell me how does someone like you not have a girl or a guy trying to give you the world," Fallon asked. I took the shot.

"I like this girl but I got caught up with her dad a couple of years ago. Anyways she moved to Riverdale and she told me she liked me but I kept pushing her away thinking I was protecting her when all I was doing was protecting myself." I said.

"From what?" Fallon asked.

"From waking up from the fairy tale I was in where people like her date people at the bottom of the food chain like me. From her inevitably picking the redhead varsity football player over the criminal serpent." I said.

"Veronica?" Fallon asked. I nodded. "If I was that girl and I really wanted you I wouldn't stop until I got you."

"Well, if you want me you got me. You and I together sounding more realistic than me and this fairy tale of me and Veronica." I said.

"As much as I'm honoured dating a minor isn't a crime I'd like to commit. Even if they're hot and kinda badass." Fallon said.

"Ehh it's all good. I'm not here for much longer anyway." I said.

"You're going home yet you sound like you really don't want to," Fallon said.

"Cause everyone loves going back to a place where they get painted as some psychopath that threw a kids body in the river," I said.

"When you first got here you almost ran back to Riverdale to protect your little sister from a part of town. How are you gonna do that if you're not there?" Fallon said.

"I doubt her mother is gonna let me anywhere near her," I said.

"Wow, prison made you soft. I thought you'd do anything to protect her and now her mother's stopping you. If I remember correctly your sister is living with your friends. You told me you grew up having to have your own back because no one else had it and you never wanted Alana to through with that." Fallon said running her hands over my shoulders. "Be the person for your sister you never had as a kid growing up."

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