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4 weeks later

I was packing my things in a bag.

"How come you're not taking any of the clothes in your closet?" Steven asked.

"Rich isn't my style. I'm good with just my leather jacket and ripped jeans." I said.

"In that case at least take the sets of ripped jeans." Steven said.

"I can only fit two pairs in my bag." I said.

"Then take a pair of black and a pair of blue." Steven said. I put the jeans in my backpack. "Take care of yourself. It's been great getting to know you." 

"Thanks. You've been the most interesting 'nerd'  I've met." I said. Steven chuckled. I walked downstairs. Fallon was stood in the foyer.

"You ready to go?" Fallon asked. I nodded. Just as we were about to leave.

"AJ, wait." Blake said handing me a bag "That's the money for the work you did and the money we saved from your idea about the paper." I opened the envelop.

"Woah, there's gotta be 500 bucks in here," I said.

"4 grand. The rest is an apartment you can stay as seeing as you can't go to your home with your record." Blake said handing me a key. "It's all paid off you don't have to worry about rent or anything."

"You're insane." I said.

"Take care of yourself. You ever need anything you call or you come here got it?" Blake asked hugging me.

"I really appreciate everything you guys have done for me. You guys are probably my favourite rich people." I said.

"I'll take that." Blake chuckled. Fallon and I walked to her car. We drove to the airport.

"What's wrong? You haven't shut up about going home and now you look like you don't want to." Fallon asked.

"What if going home is a huge mistake? I've stayed out of trouble here. I've done better in academics here." I said.

"The city of Atlanta isn't ready for you yet. We regret the things we didn't do." Fallon said. 

"In that case..." I trailed off turning Fallon's face and kissing her. She kissed back before pulling away.

"You, Anastasia Paris Jones have been one hell of a mystery. But it'd be a shame if this is the last we see of each other." Fallon said.

"It'd be a tragedy of epic proportions," I said. Fallon nodded lifting my cast. She pressed her lips against the cast marking it with red lipstick before taking a marker and writing F.C in a heart next to the lipstick stain.

"Goodbye Carrington. It's been fun." I said getting out of the car.

"Bye AJ." Fallon said waving me off as I got on the jet.


I got out of the car outside the whyte wyrm. I walked in.

"You bitches missed me." I yelled walking in.

"AJ." Sweet Pea, Fangs and Toni yelled running towards me.

"Jeez Jones, prison did you dirty huh?" Sweet Pea asked.

"I'm fine, big brother," I said.

"You heard your dad's being released right?" Fangs asked.

"Yeah. I'm not allowed to live in the trailer with him while he's on probation but the family I was living with got me an apartment. So I'm gonna go crash and then see Alana in the morning." I said.

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