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I was laying in my apartment drunk and maybe high when my door opened. It was Fallon.

"God, AJ what the hell is that smell?" Fallon asked.

"That my friend is the smell of winning at life. I'm single and ready to fuck." I said.

"You're drunk and what the hell is that white powder?" Fallon asked pointing to the table. I leaned forward and sniffed what was left of the white powder. Fallon pulled me back.

"It's cocaine," I said.

"AJ honey what happened?" Fallon asked.

"Nothing, I'm loving life. Life's a party," I cheered as the door opened.

"Your things." Veronica said.

"Oh the bitch has arrived," I said standing up.

"AJ," Fallon yelled. I walked to the bedroom grabbed the box of her things and the bag of boxing things she got me for Christmas and dropped them at Veronica's feet.

"Already moved on have you?" Veronica spat.

"Fuck you. Stop being so damn jealous when you were drooling over that fucking flea-ridden mutt. I hope you had your injections fucking bitch. Actually, get your ass bitten." I screamed grabbing a bottle of beer and finishing it. I'd grabbed a bottle of vodka and started drinking that.

"I'm not her girlfriend. Just a concerned friend." Fallon said.

"Aww, but we had fun last night didn't we?" I asked sitting on her lap.

"I got here 10 minutes ago. You and I didn't sleep together last night." Fallon said.

"Oh that's right she was so fucking hot," I said.

"Have fun dumpster fire," Veronica said.

"I fucking hate your dumbass," I screamed as she walked out. I stood up and walked to the door.

"AJ where you going?" Fallon asked.

"The Whyte Wyrm. Come on come join me. It'll be fun." I said.

"Babes you're drunk." Fallon said grabbing my hand.

"I'm 16 now can we sleep together?" I asked as Fallon lay me down on the couch.

"Let's talk when you're sober." Fallon said wiping the table. The door knocked. Fallon answered the door.

"Is Anastasia Jones home?" I heard someone ask.

"What's she done for a cop to come looking for her?" Fallon ask.

"General Picken's head was decapitated we need to talk to AJ to see if she's involved." The man asked.

"AJ have you decapitated a General Picken's head?" Fallon asked. I sat thinking. "I don't think she had anything to do with it."

"Why do you say that?" The man asked.

"Because I doubt AJ would have made it down the stairs in one piece," Fallon said opening the door wider for the man to see.

"Hi, Sheriff Keller. Have you come to cuff me again? I wanna fight you if you wanna cuff me." I said. "I'd win. You couldn't punch your way out of a paper bag. It's okay neither could she." I pointed at something.

"AJ stop talking. Sleep," Fallon said.

"I'll come back." Sheriff Keller said.

"Yeah come back. You're great company." I yelled. The door closed. Shortly after the door burst open.

"God, AJ." Toni said.

"Sup sexy. I had fun last night." I smiled.

"We didn't sleep together. Last night." Toni said.

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