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I just finished working out in the gym and walked into school

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I just finished working out in the gym and walked into school. Veronica came around the corner and walked towards me as I was putting things in my locker.

"AJ, can we talk?" Veronica asked.

"What?" I asked turning to face her.

"I didn't say thanks for helping us the other night even though things aren't perfect between us," Veronica said.

"Let's be clear on something, I didn't do that for you. I did that for Toni because she's my best friend and you just so happened to be helping her too. As for things being shitty between us, that's on you. You knew how much Southside High meant to me and then I come to find out you knew it was closing and being turned into a prison," I said. Veronica looked at me.

"What about you? You kept your secrets too like how you had feelings for that girl in Atlanta," Veronica said.

"No, I told you that nothing could happen between Fallon and me because she was older than me and I was happy with you meanwhile we were broke up less than 24 hours and you were back to Red," I said walking off. I walked to class.

"Jones," Reggie said sitting on my desk.

"Yeah," I said.

"You're hot let me take you out some time. I'm way more fun than Lodge," Reggie said.

"Never thought I'd see the day Mantle wants a snake in their bed," I said.

"Well you're so hot and it would piss off Veronica which is always fun," Reggie said. I pulled him towards me by his collar as Veronica walked in. Reggie saw her walk in.

"I'm not into guys and I doubt you'd know how to handle my ass but I'll keep you in mind," I whispered pulling him closer to me so my lips brushed against his. He smirked pulling away.

" See you at mine 6 tonight, the less clothes the better," Reggie said. I smiled as he winked walking back to his seat.


I was walking out of class

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I was walking out of class.

"AJ, wait. I owe you an apology. I was unfair to you throughout everything. Our relationship and our friendship. I kept saying how we'd make compromises when all I did was demand you to change to become someone you're not. And if I could go back and change it all I would. I'd let us have another chance. We could have another go don't you think?" Veronica asked rubbing my arm.

"How can you even ask me that when you're with Archie? We were toxic Veronica and we would be if we did it again because you don't know the real me and I don't think you have an intention of knowing the real me," I said.

"I do know the real you," Veronica said.

"Really?" I asked. 

"Yeah, go on ask me anything," Veronica said.

"How many siblings do I have?" I asked.

"Alana, Jughead and another sister," Veronica said.

"No I have another brother too," I said.

"How come I don't know this?" Veronica asked.

"Because I only told you what I wanted you to know," I said. "There are parts of me that you don't know and that's intentional besides I can't pretend like I get on with your family anymore not after I know what they're doing," I said. "I can't trust you Veronica," I said.

"So what you're gonna bum it with this older girl praying something will happen like a fairytale," Veronica asked. I was about to say something but was cut off

"Why would she be praying if she's already got a fairytale?" I heard from behind me. I turned around to see Fallon. She wrapped her arm around my waist and kissed me. I smiled into the kiss. She pushed me against my locker and carried on kissing me until I was sure Veronica was gone then pulled away.

"Thanks," I said.

"No problem," Fallon said. "But-" I cut her off.

"I know I haven't got a fairytale and I don't want one. Fairytales are make-believe. I'm working on myself and I'm feeling good damn I'm feeling great and that's because of you. You gave me the kick in the ass I needed." I said.

"So you're not going to beg me to give you a chance?" Fallon asked.

"I'm not ready for Atlanta yet and it's not ready for me," I said as the bell rang. "That's the lunch bell come on I'm taking you to Pop's," I said. Fallon followed me out. We got to Pop's and sat down. "Can I ask you something?" I asked Fallon.

"Yeah what's up?" Fallon asked.

"You could have the whole world at your feet yet you show interest in a teenager that could kill you and hide your body. Why?" I asked.

"Because everyone else believes fairytales and they're all pushovers that give me what I want whereas you like the challenge of fighting your natural alpha essence," Fallon said.

"Fighting my natural alpha essence? What the hell does that mean? You haven't made me a softy Carrington," I said.

"I meant that other people will just do what I say no questions asked and I know you like pushing things to see how far it can go," Fallon said. "It was a compliment babes, not an insult," Fallon said as her phone went off.

"Unfortunately I have to go but I'll be in touch," Fallon said pulling out her wallet. She called the waiter over that happened to be my dad and gave him 200 bucks. Dad chuckled.

"I think you might have gotten your 20 and your 200 confused," Dad said. "Besides this one is on me," Dad said.

"Is that some sort of pickup line?" Fallon asked.

"Fal, this is my dad, and he's not hitting on you," I said.

"I'm so sorry," Fallon said.

"It's all good," Dad said before turning to me. "You better get your backside to school," Dad said. I nodded. Fallon kissed my cheek and I grabbed my bag before running off.


Dad and I walked into the school theatre with Alana in my arms. Dad left after seeing Alice with Hal. The curtains opened and Alice began singing. 

"All right, Carrietta, it's time to come out of your closet," Alice said. The wall came up and Midge was pinned to the wall with knives. Alana hid her head in my neck.

"Somebody should help her. For God's sake, help her!" Cheryl screamed. Alice screamed and everyone ran out of the auditorium.

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