Chapter 9

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Fiona and Henry arrived in the dining room promptly at half-past eight. Henry hadn't been joking when he said it would only take him a minute to get ready because all he had done was brush his teeth and put on a clean shirt.

Fiona, however, had taken her time getting ready because she hadn't any interest in joining the others for drinks in the bar. In fact, if she could leave and go home without it being a thing, she would.

Henry was correct when he had said that her friends weren't heartfelt in the friendliness. It was clear to Fiona that her so-called friends had invited her down to make mischief. At least, Becky and Valerie had, Stephaine hadn't said a single word, so she couldn't tell if she were in on it or not.

Henry looked great in his button-down shirt, and Fiona noted all the attention he was getting as they followed the hostess across the dining room. Fiona had chosen a simple black backless cocktail dress that was sleeveless and stopped above her knees.  She was also pleased to wear her three-inch heels with Henry and not tower above him. Her hair was a loose ribbon of shinning gold down her back.

"If looks could kill," Henry whispered in her ear, sending a shiver up her spine as his warm breath brushed her ear. When he put his hand in the small of her back and touched her bare skin, she felt an electric shock all the way to her toes. She swore she felt his finger lightly caress her bare skin before he pulled out her chair.

"You look beautiful as always," Becky said as Fiona smiled her thanks at Henry while she took her seat. Fiona kept her eyes trained on Henry as he took his seat and didn't turn her attention onto Becky until Henry was settled.

When Fiona finally did look at Becky, she pulled a page out of her Aunt Laura's playbook and studied her for a minute before thanking her. There was no returned fake compliment about how Becky looked nice too.

Henry draped his arm across the back of Fiona's chair in a totally relaxed position, giving the waitress a friendly smile as she approached.

"Would you care for anything to drink, Fiona?" Henry asked

"I'll stick with water, thank you." Fiona smiled at the waitress as she gave her response.

"Look at all of those muscles. Have you been working out, Fiona?" Valerie asked with so much fake sweetness it made Fiona feel sick.

"No, but the work I do is physically demanding," Fiona said with a fake smile of her own. It was going to be an excruciatingly long night. She hadn't let herself look at anyone but Becky and Fiona as she sat, but now she took the time to let her glance slide across everyone at the table, and they were all staring at her.

"Henry, what do you do?" Clayton asked all smiles as well.

Everyone was being so polite.

"I work with Fiona at the ranch," he replied with total self-confidence as usual. If he had ever been shy, he certainly wasn't now as he stared down Clayton.

"Really, so she's your boss?" Clayton asked, making it sound like an insult.

"This month she is," Henry smiled, not taking the bait.

"Henry and I have known each other for over twenty years. It's our busy season at the ranch, so he agreed to come and help." Fiona explained, not wanting them to think poorly of Henry.

"Funny, you never mentioned him when we were dating." Clayton reached for his drink as he said the words as if he had delivered the winning point.

"Henry was stationed on the west coast when we were dating, and I would like to add that it's in very poor taste to bring that up." Fiona reached for the water glass that the waitress had set in front of her.

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