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Chap 8

[No i unfortunately didn't get the Translator fixed but yes she's still speaking enderman.]

You groaned as you started peeling your eyes open. Ears twitching to be greeted with the sound of...nothing. Your eyes furrowed and looked to your left with a yawn. The other side of the cave, empty and cold. The fire was burnt out and you were still in your wet muddied boots. You groaned, flopping back down into your pillow, the small action making a small 'Pumpf!' noise as you collided with the fluffy object. "Tucker? Are you still here?" You asked as you looked up at the ceiling of the cave. Waiting patiently for a response you were only greeted with the repeated sound of dripping water from a leak somewhere in the cave. Groaning you slowly sat up again. Tucker must have left in the middle of the night. Sighing you began to stand up and stretched with a shaky yawn. Tail flicking as you groaned, slouching down you stepped out of the cave and looked outside. It was around noon. You slept in. You sighed realizing you missed the sunset. Though you wern;t surprised. It was a long trip up and down the mountain.

Licking your lips you cringed as your tongue brushed over the dry cracks of your chapped lips. Turning to walk back inside you grabbed the water canteen from the ground and drank from it. At least what was left of it, which wasn't much as you drank most of it on your way down the mountain. Grumbling at the thought of having to make ANOTHER trip you sighed and sat down against the wall of the cave. Your thoughts crossed to Ranboo when you looked over at the spot where he once sat. Usually right after you got up he'd greet you with a good morning and ask what you dreamed about. After, you'd eat breakfast and you'd play music for him and he'd share stories. Then you'd play your made up games...and play with Tucker until nightfall..untill the process repeated. You got so used to it you almost called it the usual. Maybe it was because it felt better to have company with you and it made you feel better.

Who knows. Either way, he's gone now. No point in dwelling over it. Looking too far in the past will only make you blind to what's happening in front of you, and before you know it life will back hand you across the face. Sighing you grabbed your guitar from next to you and strummed random chords. It was an uneven melody but a nice and simple one. Humming made up lyrics to yourself you looked at the ash filled fire holder. You'd have to go back out for materials you should've gotten at night but of course all the mobs were at and you didn't want to fight if you knew it could be avoided.

Deciding you'd get the materials in the morning seeing as you just got back from a trip and needed rest you let go of your guitar and where you'd normally put it down with care, let it fall to the ground with a big clutter. Crawling back over to your bed spread you cuddled back up in it and shoved your head into your pillow. You'd just sleep in today. There was nothing you wanted to do. Nor nothing you absolutely HAD to do so you could just rest. Closing your eyes you pulled your blanket over as you sighed and let the soft whistle of wind from the back of the cave sway you to sleep.


You opened your eyes again looking at the sunrise. You were on time today...The glow of the sun peered over your face leaving a warm honey like glow there. Shaking your head you rolled over on your stomach to see it better rather than having the world upside down like it was. Using your hand to shield your eyes you ruffled a hand through your slightly tangled hair and let out a loud yawn. Resting your head in your arms, having your face squished against you, you looked at the sunrise with a small smile. The morning fog slowly started pricking at your skin making you wish you went and got fire supplies yesterday. Standing up quickly you wrapped your blanket around your shoulders. You cursed yourself for forgetting how cold it could get up here.

Shaking off the cold you quickly packed your bag to go out. Running a mental check you shoved the necessities in there. Knife, water canteen, rope, flint, and your trusty axe. With that you left for supplies.


With the heavy load you bought in. You were exhausted..to the point you didn't even want to start the fire. Groaning you dropped everything to the ground, kicked off your shoes, yanked off your shoes and jacket, and flopped into your bed. Not bothering to properly tuck yourself in, you shoved your head into your pillow and closed your eyes falling asleep almost instantly.


sorry for the short chapter. Its probably out of charachter buuuut- i need fillers- 

plus my friends read this soooo Hi discord mom- 
Hi discord son

the next chapter is interesting i promise.

ALSO 1k READS??? YOU GUYS ARE CRAZY THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE SUPPORT! it means  a lot to me. Espically when you gusy comment and vote or i see you add it to the library. I love reading you guy's comments and seeing you interact with the story. Like i said it mitivates me to write more. Just for celebration im updating my books more often so hooray

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