Chapter 22

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As the group was eating dinner, Damien was making jokes and talking about their high school days. The squeak of the door opening caught Vixen's attention, she glanced at the door and did a double take, a boy wearing a black hoodie walked in to the restaurant, he looked very similar to the guy that the boys described earlier, the boy placed himself in the table in front of the two couples, the others didn't notice Vixen's diverted attention, she suddenly felt uncomfortable, as if there was something waiting to attack her. she excused herself from the group and walked to the restroom, she felt eyes on her as she left, 

As Vixen was exiting the restroom, she was jerked back, and slammed in to the wall behind her,

"Well hello kitten, you miss me ?"

A sharp chill ran through Vixen's body, she recognized that voice, 


A hand gripped her throat, cutting off her breathing slightly, she stared in to the brown eyes that she once loved, but now, she was terrified, with shaking hands she clawed at his hand, Jeremiah stared her with wicked grin, his eyes dripping venom, his body pressed her further in to the wall. Every part of Vixen's body wanted to scream, and get away from the monster in front of her, as if god himself heard her prayer, Jeremiah was ripped away from her, vixen collapsed to ground catching her breath, 

she looked up, her throat stinging from the pressure at which it was squeezed, she looked up to find Jonah pinning Jeremiah to the wall by his shirt, his eyes still on Vixen, staring daggers at her, 

"CAN I GET SOME HELP OVER HERE!" Jonah screamed 

Within seconds, several other employees stormed out and grabbed Jeremiah, Vixen was still shaking on the floor, but immediately heard her two friends and Zaiden calling out to her, he immediately wrapped his arms around her, and whispered sweet words in her ear to clam her panic, Damien turned to face the man who was responsible for hurting Vixen, his eyes widened as he recognized the features of his face, he was the same boy who was staring at Vixen before, Jeremiah's once clear skin was littered with piercings, and the side of his head was shaved, he looked different, but still recognizable to Damien and Vixen, 

 Damien looked back the crying Vixen, clutching to Zaiden like a lifeline sobbing in to his shirt, in a fit of anger, he charged at Jeremiah, pushing aside all the employees he threw a hard punch in to his gut, and then his face.


Zaiden stiffened, wanting to be there to punch the guy in the throat, but Vixen needed him more Damien heard a pained chuckle, 


Jeremiah stared at the terrified Vixen, 

"oh how pretty you look when you're broken, I remember that face, when I drugged you to have sex with me, and you trusted me too! HA HA HA HA HA THAT MAKES IT EVEN BETTER! don't worry kitten, I'm not done with you yet,"

Jeremiah was given another punch to the jaw before being dragged away by the staff, Jonah ran back to the group, Vixen clutched on to Zaiden, still sobbing, the group stayed silent, only the sobbing of Vixen could be heard.

"You guys should go, I'll take care of the bill"

The group turned to Jonah, who had a pained look on his face, he slowly reached out to Vixen and placed a gentle and on her head, Vixen flinched before looking up at Jonah, tears still in her eyes,

"She needs to be far away from here," 

"Thank you Jonah,"

A small pained voice came from Vixen, she smiled a tiny smile, and placed one of her hands on his, Jonah simply nodded, Zaiden picked up Vixen bridal style and walked out of the restaurant, her arms wrapped securely around his broad shoulders, after calling a taxi, Zaiden and Vixen made their way to Vixen's apartment, Vixen sat quietly and processed who she just saw, and the words he had said, 



A strong warm hand intertwined their fingers with hers, she looked up at Zaiden, his eyes holding worry, she smiled slightly, and inched her way closer to Zaiden, he opened his arms for her, and she gladly settled in his strong arms, her head tucked under his chin, just remaining in silence, Zaiden wanted to ask her about him, but he knew it wasn't the time, as they reached Vixen's apartment they separated from each other and got out of the cab. 

Vixen swung the door to her apartment, and stepped inside, Zaiden following behind and closing the door, Vixen couldn't bare the anxiety any longer she crumbled to the ground panic overtaking all her senses, she was caught by Zaiden before she could hurt herself as the tears ran down her face, Zaiden's heart broke at the sight of Vixen in tears and sobbing, he pulled her on to his lap, she wrapped her legs around his hips and her arms around his neck.

"Shhhhh Vixen, I've got you, he's not going to hurt you, I promise, you're safe with me,"

"What if he g-gets me, w-what if he hurts you, i can't lose someone again, not because of me,"

"Hey, Vixen, nothing was your fault, your mom loved you, and he won't hurt me, he can't even try,"

"W-what m-makes you s-so s-sure,"

"My love for you is so strong that it protects me from anything,"

Zaiden felt his stomach turn as he spoke the cheesy line, Vixen let out a laugh, Zaiden mentally cheered his successful attempt at cheering her up, she looked up at Zaiden and smiled, he smiled back at her, she leaned and captured his lips in a kiss, Zaiden's eyes widened, but closed immediately and melted in to the kiss, he placed his hands on her waist and rubbed small circles to calm her, he felt her smile in to the kiss, they pulled apart and stared lovingly at each other, Vixen then got up and straddled Zaiden.

She ran her fingers through Zaiden's hair, causing him to groan, Zaiden looked up at her and noticed the red hand print that was forming around her throat, he gently ran his finger along the mark, Vixen flinched but stayed still, Zaiden then leaned forward and lightly placed his lips on her neck, he lightly kissed her neck along the hand print, the cold feeling of Zaiden's lips on the forming mark made Vixen feel loved and safe.

After Zaiden finished lining the marking with kisses, he pulled away from her neck and pecked her lips, Vixen smiled and got off his lap, she took off her shoes near the door and lead Zaiden to the couch, they sat down and put up a TV show to watch, Zaiden cuddled Vixen, her head resting on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. Vixen reached of his hands and interlocked their fingers, 

"Can you stay the night? please?"

"Of course my love,"

Vixen smiled, heat rising to both their cheeks, basking in the comfortable silence.

'Maybe I am safe from him with Zaiden, at least ...... I hope'

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