Chapter 6

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"Hey ladies,"

A police officer stood in the doorway, it was Micheal, a well-known police officer in the region where Vixen lived, he knew Vixen well, they became close because of the incident three years ago. A day that they both wont be able to forget,

"Micheal? what's going on?"

"Hey vixen, i'm going to need you to come down to the station, i need a staement from you if i'm going to give those two boys the consequences of their actions,"

"What are you talking about Micheal?"

Micheal sighed and looked at her knowingly, Vixen rolled her eyes, she couldnt believe that the police officer from earlier told micheal about the situation, the last thing she wanted was to worry Micheal after everything he has done for her. Vixen got up off her couch and walked to her bedrom and closed the door , she changed into a tank top and a pair of jeans, showing off al the bruises and cuts for proof,

She walked out of the room and as she was about walk out the etrance to her apartment, Micheal placed a gentle hand on her un-injured shoulder,

"Hey... i know you didnt want to see me here in uniform, but when they told me about the incident, i had to step in, i know reynold and that friend of his, the last thing i wanted was for them to know where you lived,"

Vixen smiled up at him gratefully, his guilt and worry melted away into a friendly smile,

"But hey, you really gave those boys a run for their money, they came in such bad shape,"

Natasha giggled and followed Vixen and Micheal out the apartment and locked the door, slipping the keys into her jacket pocket, she made her way down the cascading staircase to the police car, Natasha thouught about the difficulty Vixen must be facing while she walked down the stairs with her injuries.

' Damn, we should have taken the elevator! she must be in pain!

At that moment she heard a whimper from Vixen, who was painfully trudging in front of Micheal,


Natasha was reminded of the time when she and Vixen were about fourteen years old, Vixen had hurt her leg on the curb in front of Natasha's house at the time, she remebered watching Vixen limp her way up the stairs of this very same apartment painfully grunting with each step, she suggested to take the elevator but vixen turned her head so fast, that her young gorgeous black hair created a halo around her face.

"Oh come on Nats! i live on the first floor! and besides, it doesnt hurt that much"

Vixen smiled so wide back then, the innocence and genuine happiness, she laughed sadly

"She always was a tough nut"

Vixen and Natasha got into the police car, as they made their way to the police station with micheal, Vixen couldn't stop thinking about Zaiden, he had been invading her mind since of late to which eh would blush and smile fondly, but just then Micheal's words filled her head.

"I know Reynold and that friend of his, and the last thing i wanted was them knowing where you lived."

She sadly stared out the window of the car watching the street lights and hoses pass by,

"I should always remember who Zaiden Maxis is, he has hurt so many girls before me, and i'm probably no different to him than the drunk girls at the club, i've heard the stories, he has a reputaion, i would be no different to those desperate or naive girls who fell for him"

Breathe.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin