Chapter 16

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Vixen's eyes were wide, that one day that changed all their lives, Zaiden got over his demon, and Vixen's struggles began, on that one day, she turned to Damien, her eyes started to become teary, Damien smiled sadly at her, Damien was the only one who was happy one minute, and then crying in the corridor of a hospital the next minute, Vixen got off the floor and walked to Damien, she kneeled beside him and put a hand on his shoulder, Damien turned to face her and was immediately engulfed in a tight hug, Damien felt tears prick on the edge of his eyes, he lost the best thing in his life because he thought she was happier without him, Jeremiah convinced him to leave her, the tears cascaded down his cheeks, as he held her tight, Zaiden smiled softly at the pair, Vixen reached out to him, her face holding pain and happiness, he softly held her hand, only to be dragged in to the hug himself.

His eyes were wide as he met hers, he didn't realize his own tears running down his face, they engulfed Damien in the hug, Damien chuckled sadly, as they broke away, he put a hand on both Zaiden's and Vixen's shoulders, tears in his eyes, they all broke out in to smiles, Natasha smiled softly in the background, Vixen turned to her and smiled mischievously,

"So.. Damien... when are you going to ask Natasha out?"


Vixen laughed, and soon Zaiden joined her laughter, Damien and Natasha were bright red glaring at their friends, Damien chuckled darkly,

"When you and Zaiden agree to start dating,"

Vixen's laugh got caught in her throat as she heard Damien's words, it was now her turn to become tomato red, Zaiden avoided her gaze, Natasha and Damien broke in to a fit of laughter, Vixen blushed darker as Damien continued to persuade her.

"T-that's not going to happen! me and Zaiden are too different, we'd end up killing each other,"

Vixen stuttered as she tried to make a valid argument to defend herself, the dark blush across her face making it impossible to believe,

"Well you won't know unless you try~"

Vixen stared in horror at her best friend who had a devilish smile on her face, Vixen looked down, away from all the stares in the room,

"Guys stop that, she doesn't have to do anything with me, I, however I have a shit ton to apologize for,"

Vixen was surprised at Zaiden's response, he held a gentle smile scratching the back of his neck, her face heated up slightly as she felt her heart skip a beat,

"Maybe I could apologize by taking you out for dinner? Not as a date or anything! just to say how sorry I am for all that I have caused and said, and for the Carl and John thing,"

Vixen smiled at his red face, embarrassed and shy about the words falling out of his mouth, she blushed,

"Okay, I'll go to dinner with you,"

Zaiden's eyes widened and a wide smile slowly made it's way on to his face as he silently cheered, Vixen giggled, Damien stared at her in shock, Natasha mirroring the same exact look, Damien sighed deeply

"Okay, a deal is a deal,"

Damien got up from in between a confused Zaiden and Vixen and walked to the other side of the table to where Natasha was seated, he kneeled in front of her and took her hand in his,

"Natasha, like Vixen has been hinting at the whole day.... I have been in love with you since senior year of high school, it broke my heart when I lost contact with both you and Vixen, but now that I've met you after three years, I'm not letting you go again, not without a fight, so Natasha Dinell, will you make me the most happiest man alive on this heap of rock called earth, and go on a date with me?"

Breathe.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora