Chapter 5

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When the cops arrived the atmosphere of light banter had lifted. Zaiden walked towards the police car, his fists clenched. The car door opened and hefty man steped out of the car,

"Damn, he fits the profile of a police officer."

Vixen looked at the cop who stepped out of the car, his face was littered with scrars, the black sunglasses perched on absolutely perfect grizzled face. He looked almost identical to Zaiden in height, Zaiden walked over to him and shook his hand firmly, after a few minutes of talking with the police officer, he walked towards vixen with heavy strides.

When he got close enough he reached out to touch her face, but immediately stopped,

"If you don't mind miss, may i?"

Vixen looked up at the officer to see his hand a good three inches away from her face, she  nodded slightly, the office gently placed his hand on the wound on the side of her head, he rotated her head checking her face, he then took of his sunglasses and turned to Zaiden.

"We need to get her to the hospital, she's losing too much blood from all the wouds on her head alone."

Vixen's heart picked up at the memory of the hospital, she hasn't been to the hospital in over two years, not after the incident. She felt the anxiety attack coming on from the trigger of the emotions of that dreadful day.

"No. i'm fine, i don't need to go to the hospital,"

Everyone turned to Vixen, her response was unexpected, Zaiden overcome with anger for her stubborn behaviour, raised his voice at her.

"The fuck ?! what is wrong with you! you're bleeding here and your choice is to be stubborn!?

Vixen flinched at his voice and looked at him with a hurt expression, which immediately switched to anger, Zaiden looked at her with an irritated look on his face. Vixen turned to the officer whose name was Reynold according to the badge on his uniform.

"Thank you for your assistance officer, but i will be taking my leave now,"

The officer looked shocked, as Vixen walked passed them and picked up her bag of groceries, turning on her heel facing the large group, smiling and thanking them for their help, she walked in the way that the cop car had arrived from and breezed pass Zaiden. He reached out and grabbed her wrist and held it tightly,

"Don't be stupid! you're going to get worse! why don't you listen, instead of panicking like a dumb animal all the time!"

Zaiden felt Vixen flinch in his hands, and he then realized what he had said, but before he could say anything, Vixen spoke.

"Get your hands off,"

"Wait, Vixen i...."

"I said ....get. your. hands. off. me. now."

"No wait...."

In one swift motion Vixen kicked Zaiden in the chest, he fell to the floor and looked up at Vixen, her demenour was tight she turned to him, her eyes burning in anger and pain,

"Don't ever come near me ever again,"

Vixen walked away, her footsteps fading in the distance, Zaiden sat up and held his head,

" Fuck! why did i say that?! especially to her!"

He turned to his friends, they all held a sad expression, Reynold is his best friend from high school, he has been there through all of Zaiden's issues and he has helped him many times before this. Zaiden heard rey's footsteps approach him, he felt the hand on his shoulder,

"Damn that girl is fiesty, is your chest okay?"

Zaiden stayed silent,

"Listen man, i see that this girl means something to you, but give her some time bro,you dont really have the best reputation in this town, but if you really want this girl, go appologize. Be that cheesy guy you were when you with kayla, she'll love it."

Zaiden looked up at Reynold and smirked, Reynold winked at him,

"Now, give me the story on what happened with these guys so that i can do my job."

Vixen walked home with a massive headache, the reason could be the massive wound on the side of her head, But nothing could have hurt worse than the memory of Zaiden's anger. It shouldn't have hurt as much as it did, he was nobody to her, she became angry at the level of pain she felt at this point in time.

"Fuck him, seriously, you were right mom, no man is worth the trouble."

Her thoughts were intterupted by her name being called and footsteps running towards her, she looked up only to be engulfed in a hug, the strong smell of magnolia wafted through her system.


"Fuck Vixen i was worried about you! Zaiden called and..."

"Yeah of course that fucker called, after what he did,"

"Oh boy what did he do?"

"Let's not talk about it, lets go about our movie marathon,"


"Let's get inside and deal with it, and i'll tell you what exactly happened,"

Vixen and Natasha went into Vixen's apartment and treated the wound on her head, and to their surprise found bruising on her arms, a cut in her lip and a swollen shoulder blade. While Natasha was treating her wounds, Vixen told her all about the incident, when Vixen told her what exactly Zaiden had said, Natasha had officially blown a fuse.


"Calm down Nats, he was right though, i could have gotten in so much shit for that,"

"But still, he hurt you, that's not fair,"

"He cares, Nats, he got mad because he genuinely cares,"

"Yeah but....wait a miute, when did you care about a boy's genuine care about you.... do you like Zaiden Maxis?!"


"That's kinda hard to believe now Vixen, you're head over heels for him!"


Vixen blushed darkly and covered her face with a couch cushion, Natasha giggled at her display of embarassment. She smiled sadly at Vixen, Natasha has been vixen's best friend friend since they were in diapers, she was there through the incident of Jeremiah, and the unfortunate tragedy of her mother, she watched this girl fight everythiing thrown at her and still come out on top, and she felt a bitter sweet happiness in seeing her feeling happy and being the teenager that she missed out on.

Just then, the doorbell broke the the atmosphere in the living room, Natasha and Vixen exchanged looks

" who could it be at this time of the night?"

Natasha walked to the door and opened it in a cautious manner,

"Hey ladies,"

ooooo a cliff hanger..... sorry  for the late update, will be sure to update more regularly now .... have a great day


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