Chapter 10

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"Well hello vixie pixie~"

Vixen's eyes widened as she realized who was standing in front of her table, her face lit up with joy as she stood up and ran to embrace the boy who she hadn't seen in years,

"Damien! oh my god! it's been so long!"

Damien smiled wide as he wrapped his arms around Vixen, twirling her in the middle of the cafe, holding her tight against himself, her giggles echoed throughout the cafe, drawing the attention of many customers, some would look with sweet smiles and others would look with annoyance at the display. Vixen payed no attention to her surroundings, except that she had gotten back her best friend from highschool.

Damien put her down and stared at the beautiful girl in front of him, Vixen was smiling wide at Damien, they had both changed from the energetic kids they were back in school, to the unrecognizable young adults they were now. Damien's features had become more sharp, and his black hair had grown to a surprisingly decent length, cascading to his muscular shoulders, his built body giving a challenge to the black t-shirt that he wore, stretched to the point of almost ripping to shreds, his olive skin was being complimented by all the black he as wearing.

"Wow Vixie, you look beautiful, as always, even in highschool you were the prettiest girl in the boys books~"

Vixen smiled at the memory of many eligible boys presenting her with flowers and her favourite food, in the morning and even during class,

"Well look who hasn't changed personality wise, still the massive flirt you were back in school huh?"

Damien smirked, and took her hand, kissing it gently, and winking at her,

"How could i resist a fair maiden with the beauty of the moon in spring time,"

"Well dear sir, how would you like to be ripped limb from limb, as your blood coats the floor as thick as a carpet of tar,"

Vixen smiled innocently as Damien recoiled, his shock melted away in to amusement, as he chuckled to himself,

"you haven't changed at all Vixen, you're still the same scary girl with a pretty face,"

Vixen laughed sweetly, this boy hadn't changed too much, he was the same delinquent that would annoy the school principle to the degree of pulling his own hair out. The pair walked back and sat at the table nestled in the corner of the cafe, Damien smirked,

"So Vixen, i've heard through the grape vine that you have a new heart throb, who is he? or she...i'm not one to judge"

Damien said winking at her, Vixen rolled her eyes,

"The grape vine is wrong, because there is no heart throb,"

"Oh come on, darlin' don't lie to me, i know when you lie remember? you're not going to be able to hide things from me~"

Vixen smiled challengingly, and leaned back,

"Okay, i forgot that you know me that well, so what name does this grape vine whisper to you,"

Damien spoke carefully, seemingly not to upset her,

"the grape vine told me his name was..... Zaiden Maxis?"

Vixen's eyes widened,

'who told him that!?'

She calmed her surprised look,

"The grape vine is wrong. it's not him. it's actually Samuel Roberts,"

"Sam!? you like Sam!"

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