Chapter 13

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The time had finally struck 3pm, Vixen was still laughing at the effort Damien was putting in to making sure that no word was spoken between the girls about the possible hidden fact in his past, Vixen took full pleasure in making the boy suffer, Zaiden was confused but amused none the less, the trio left the cafe and stood by the employees entrance, waiting for Natasha to clock off work,


"Oh come on Dame, she's not going to eat you! I think it's cute,"

" Maybe, if you didn't decide to reveal the most EMBARRASSING detail of that story!" 

Vixen laughed at his apparent fear of the situation, she glanced at Zaiden who was silently standing by, Zaiden covered his face and surpressed a laugh at his friend, the smile made his face brighter, it made him seem impossibly more attractive, Vixen's face grew warmer, she smiled as he turned and looked in her direction, Damien glanced between the pair and smirked to himself as his best friends and old best friend slowly fell for each other. Damien cleared his throat, the pair whipped their heads around to face him, their faces glowing with a red hue, Damien found it amusing that they were easily embarrassed,

The door behind them swung open, a very unhappy and annoyed Natasha exited the building, the eyebrows twitching in anger, the boys seemed to almost shake in fear, Vixen however, seemed unfazed,

"everything okay Nats?"

Natasha breathed deeply,

"I just got the most annoying call on this spectrum of the universe, and now i am in a very bad mood,"

"oh? who called? anyone i know?"

Natasha looked up too fast to dismiss it as any ordinary annoyance, she cautiously reached out and grabbed Vixen's hand, knowing that the answer would upset her, Natasha normally did this to ground her during a panic attack, Vixen smiled confused at Natasha's actions,

"Nats? who was it ? you don't ususally get this worried when i ask"

Vixen chuckled nervously, she felt something heavy on her heart, it made her worried, her thoughts running wild, 

"Well, um.. it was Jeremiah,"

vixen's smiled faltered , it felt like her heart had stopped beating, her hand starting shaking and sweating, she felt the grip on her hand tighten, Vixen looked away from the trio and took a deep breath,

'Breathe. just breathe. he's not here, he can't hurt you, you're safe."

"Oh! well... that's interesting, didn't expect that,"

Natasha's smiled gently, her eyes softening, Vixen sliped her hand out of hers and crossed her arms over herself, as a form of comfort, Natasha eyes held a glimmer of worry, slowly puting down her own hand which hovered in front of her.

"WELL..... avoiding that unneccessary topic, Ladies and Gentlemen! let us venture to learn about our tiny teenage selves, AND the little secret of tiny teenage Damien,"

Vixen winked in Damien's direction, Damien turned even more red than he possibly could, he glared daggers at Vixen, while Vixen giggled at his rage, Zaiden smiled softly,

"Why is she so cute? i want nothing more than that smile to be directed at me forever,"

"And here i thought that Damien was the only drama student in our batch,"

"Well you're wrong, there were ten, two of the biggest drama nerds were Vixen and Damien. they still are,"

Natasha chuckled, as she spoke about her best friend, Zaiden smiled along with her, he had known Damien for years, and to find someone with his equal energy was something he thought would be impossible, but there she is, the two people who are the living embodiment of sunshine, he loved Damien like his own brother, but Vixen was something else.

The group made there way over to Vixen's apartment, making a small stop at a grocery store on the way to pick up snacks and drinks since they planned to watch movies, and talk for about everything, on the way to their destination the group continued their unending discussion on the paranormal, there were two points where Natasha would have to physically hold Vixen from painting the pavement with Damien's face, for the insult thrown towards Brendon Urie, Damien cowaring behind Zaiden who was laughing to his hearts content. After twenty minutes of simple chatter and jokes and insults thrown about, the group finally reached the apartment, Vixen pulled out her keys and unlocked her door. As her hand was placed on the knob of the door, she heard Damien speak, 

"Welcome to the Dragon's Den! beware! death may lurk in every corner,"

Damien cuckled as the words left his mouth, but a sudden chill up his spine left him staring in horror as Vixen slowly turned to face him, a menacing look painted on her features, Damien slowly took a step back, getting ready to dash out on to the street, oncoming traffic seemed safer than Vixen's wrath, However, Vixen had a michevous smile etched on to her features,

"Hey Natasha, Did you know that Damien had a crush on a girl in the debate team for two years back in highschool?"

Damien's face turned pale, as he had the look of pure fear evident on his face, Vixen swung the door open in a slow and menacing fashion, staring Challengingly at Damien, Natasha and Zaiden had confusion painted all over their faces,

"Come on in ladies, it's time for the juicy details,"

A menacing smile held it's place on her face as she stepped inside, taking off her shoes at the entrance, Natasha followed behind. repeating her movements, the girls walked to the kitchen to prepare the snacks and put a few of the drinks in to her built in fridge, the boys walked in and took off their shoes at the entrance, they walked in carefully, Zaiden followed Damien, it seemed like Damien knew this place very well. The apartment was clean, neatly arranged cushions were placed fashionably on the counch and floor, in front of the couch sat a forty inch TV, with a Ps4 and a DVD player connected to it, the controlers and remotes sat neatly in a box on the floor, alongside the TV were two CD racks, one of which held video games and the other held a wide selection of movies, mostly of the horror genre.

Damien walked up to one of the racks and pulled out a video game, Zaiden peeked over Damien's shoulder to investigate what he was holding, in his hands was a game, the large dramatic lettering and font said,' Kingdom Hearts III' Damien stared at the game longingly, a nostalgic smile sat gently on his features, he hesitantly put the game back in it's place and turned to Zaiden who had a raised eyebrow in confusion,

"Don't worry about it dude, we'll get in to the details soon enough,"

"That begins now, so where shall we start,"

Vixen's sudden voice shocked the boys, but they turned and smiled at the wide display of food set out the coffee table that sat in between the couch and TV, the girls sat on the floor and scooted closer to the edge of the table, the boys copied their movement and sat on the opposite end,

"Let's start with the main story, and then we'll get to all the side stories later,"

"oh you mean the story about how yo-"


Damien glared in Vixen's direction, as Vixen giggled,

"NOW! THE STORY WE'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR, The story of our teenage lives where some paths have crossed,"

Damien gestured to the girls,

"And where one path did not,"

He gestured to Zaiden and Vixen, they both looked at each other, and smiled kindly,

"Let's start at the beginning, where all paths were close to meeting, but didn't,"

Breathe.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora