Chapter 20

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As the group discussed on where to go for their lunch, Vixen noticed that Zaiden wasn't paying attention to the conversation, instead his eyes were fixated on the entrance of the library. Vixen was about to bring his focus back to the discussion, when Damien spoke,

"You know hat we've been here for about two hours now right? so why not wait till the event is over and head out for dinner just like that,"

"NO WAY! Vixen and i are going for dinner, girls only,"

"Awww baby please, let's all go out for dinner"  

Damien pouted in Natasha's direction, Natasha shook her head and stuck her tongue at him, teasing him, Damien pouted further, doing his best impression of a pair of puppy eyes, however Natasha was firm and didn't fall for his pathetic display. Zaiden averted his eyes from the doorway, only to find Vixen's eyes fixated on him, confusion was present on her features, Zaiden smiled gently and shook his head, gesturing that it was nothing to be concerned of, Vixen hesitantly nodded and turned back to quarreling lovers.

As the group passed around arguments on their plans later that evening, they approached by a girl, she had ocean blue streaks in her hair which complimented her brown eyes, an excited smile etched on to her features, 

"Hi! my name's Amanda, you're Vixen right? the artist that has a stall here?"

Vixen jumped at her sudden presence,

"A-ah yeah, that's me, can i help you?"

"Ah no no, i just wanted to say that I'm a big fan of your work, and its not that great but, I drew something for you..."

The girl handed Vixen a sheet of paper, on the paper was a drawing of a girl with blue hair and a smile on her face, the picture was identical to Vixen, it was skillfully drawn, it looked like the young girl had been drawing her from afar, Vixen felt a smile slowly make its way on to her face, 

"What do you mean ' not great', this is amazing! I love this so much! thank you!" 

The young girl smiled widely, her eyes glazed over, small tears making it's way down her cheeks, Vixen felt her heart ache for the teary eyed girl before her, she caught a glimpse of the dried blood on her sleeves, without hesitation she walked forward and brought the girl into a tight hug, the girl broke down in tears, clinging to Vixen, as she pulled away, Vixen crouched down in front of the girl, 

"It gets better.... I promise,"

Vixen lifted her arm and showed the girl the many cuts that have healed over time, smiling gently at the girl, Amanda's eyes widened and lifted her own arm, rolling up her long sleeves and revealing the cuts that were scabbing over and healing as well as the new cuts, she held hers next to Vixen's arm and smiled, Vixen leaned over whispered something to the girl, 

"Some battles are really hard, but with every battle we get stronger, so stay strong, don't let the sadness win,"

Vixen pulled away and smiled at the girl, placing her hands on her shoulder, the girl waved goodbye and ran back in to the event, Vixen walked back to her friends who were confused and dumbstruck by what they witnessed. 

"What did you say to her?"

Natasha asked the question that was running through all three of their minds, Vixen simply looked down at the floor with a small smile on her face, she hugged her knees to her chest, still staring at the floor, her chin resting on her knees, 

"I told her something I wished someone would have told me."

the group glanced at each other, confused. They shrugged and continued their conversation.

The group decided to stay back till the event was over, as day bled to evening, Vixen made artworks left and right, the occasional purchased of her pre-made post cards and posters, the smile she wore was forced, in all honesty she hated crowds, but she knew she needed the exposure and money, so she smiled, as wide as she could. As the event closed Vixen packed her things, Zaiden, Damien and Natasha lending an occasional hand, the group tossed about places for their dinner, Natasha had to reluctantly give up the girl's night, a scheming smile making it's way on to her features as she looked at Vixen, 

"I say we go to the pizza place off Cherry Lane, it's mine and Vixen's favorite place to eat, not to mention there's a guy who has his eyes out for Vixen~"

Vixen rolled her eyes at the mention of the annoying boy at the restaurant who is incapable of taking a hint, though Vixen has continuously turned him down, 

"Oh god, please do not take me there, I cannot deal with him again, it's like he thinks that women don't have a choice in anything, there's way too many guys like him out there,"

Vixen rested her head in her hands groaning loudly, she felt someone gently grabbing her wrist and pulling it away from her face, she looked up at met Damien's eyes, he smiled,

"Not all of us, besides, me and Zaiden will be there, we'll make sure he gets the hint."

Vixen glanced at Damien and Zaiden, she smiled and nodded, as Vixen was about to pick up her things, it was taken out of her hands, Zaiden carried the box with ease and smiled at Vixen, she smiled and walked up to him and leaned up on her toes and kissed his cheek, Zaiden's face turned red as Vixen's had a light dusting of pink on her cheeks, earning a giggle from Vixen, Zaiden's heart skipping a beat, he looked away. 

The group walked out, they hauled a taxi and got in, heading to Vixen's apartment, on the way to her house Damien and Natasha stopped the cab and walked to Natasha's apartment, promising to meet them at the restaurant, leaving Vixen and Zaiden alone,

"Is it just me or does it feel like those two planned this?"

"You're not alone on that, that is possible," 

The cab ride was filled with laughter and comfortable chatter between the pair, Zaiden decided he wanted to know what happened between Jeremiah and Vixen, so he braced himself and asked, 

"H-hey um.. do you mind if I ask you something?" 

"Oh sure, what is it?"

"It's a question about your past and if you don't feel li-"

"You want to know about me and Jeremiah, don't you?"

Vixen glanced at Zaiden, his eyes widened and hesitantly nodded, Vixen sighed,

"I would share that story with you Zaiden, but not today, I haven't fully recovered from everything that happened, so give me some time, please?"

"Of course, I understand,"

Vixen's apartment finally arrived, as the pair stepped out of the taxi, Zaiden carried Vixen's box of supplies and stepped in through the apartment door, Vixen directed him to the living room and handed him the TV remote, as she walked in to her room and changed in to something more comfortable.

After changing in to a pair of jeans and a t-shirt with her favorite black shrug, she stepped in to the living room and smiled at Zaiden who staring at the TV, not paying attention to what was on screen, Vixen walked behind the couch and leaned over him and stared in to his eyes, 

"Ready to go?" 

Zaiden's eyes widened, then slowly softened as he nodded his head, the pair left the apartment and got in to a cab, heading for their destination. 

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