Chapter 15

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Vixen went through her day worrying about Damien, the only thing that made her forget her worry for a moment was Jeremiah, he was in most of her classes and they usually just smiled at each other and waved, too nervous to speak to each other, she had gotten attracted to Jeremiah after he joined their art classes, he was friendly and extremely talented, he drew quirky and funny characters that were caught in the act of mischief, his art brought a lot of joy to the room, and slowly but surely, Vien found herself in love.

"Would you stop oogling him and just go talk to him already,"

Natasha watched Vixen stare at Jeremiah at every class, she would move both herself and Natasha right behind him so she could just stare lovingly at him, only for him to turn around and constantly try to borrow something from her, both blushing intensly at when they made eye contact.

'They're helpless,'

Natasha was more worried if her eyes would get stuck because of how many times she would roll them, she had heard all of what Vixen thought of him, blushig and spewing constantly about how adorable and perfect he was,

"I can't do that Nats, what if he doesn't like me!"

" Oh my god, you won't know until you tell him!"


"No buts, if you won't tell him then i will,"

"OK! OK!, i'll tell him!, but if i get heartbroken you're buying me ice cream and watching 'After The Ball' with me,"

"Fine, fair trade, atleast it'll be the end of all your whining about Jeremiah. i'm heading off to debating, i'll see you later Vix,"


Vixen walked to the auditorium, to finish a few props for the school's upcoming play, 'Into The Woods', she was the head of the designing team, she would design and create the backgrounds and props for each show, as she walked through the big double doors she stood in a dramatic pose,


The room erupted in laughter as she walked to the stage, she smiled and tied her hair in a bun,

"Let's get started gang!"

Everyone cheered, as they all got to work prepping the paints and wires for each prop, as vixen started painting a tree, she felt a touch on her shoulder, she glanced behind her shoulder and froze, standing behind her was none other than her crush, Jeremiah, she whipped around and smiled awkwardly,

"Jeremiah! hi! uh.. what brings you here!"

"I'm here to help, i signed up to volunteer,"

"Oh! thank you so much!"

"Actually that was a lie, i saw you walk in here and thought it be an oppurtunity to talk, to you,"

"Huh? wait what?"

"uh.. yeah, sorry if that's weird, i just haven't had the chance to talk to you, i see you at art class all the time but ive been too nervous to talk to you, so how about i help you with this tree and we can just chat for a bit,"

Vixen blushed as Jeremiah smiled at her, she agreed. as they painted the tree, Jeremiah and Vixen had an interesting conversation, about their favourite topics and future plans, together they finished a half of the scenery for the play. They exited the buliding and stood on the pavement, still talking and laughing with each other,

"Wait, aren't you and Damien in a relationship?"

"No we're not, anymore atleast, we have different goals and our parents thought it was for the best if we broke up, we're still friends though,"

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