Chapter 17

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After a long debate on the pros and cons of each movie selection, Zaiden and Vixen were sided against the newly formed couple Damien and Natasha, it was romantic comedy, versus true story Horror, after twenty minutes of arguing, the winner was true story horror, as vixen put the movie on her large screen TV Zaiden was instructed to get some blankets, from Vixen's bedroom, Damien and Natasha continued to argue about the movie selection, it was a movie that was described as the most terrifying movie of the year.

Zaiden shook his head and chuckled at the commotion in the living room, Zaiden walked in to Vixen's bedroom and opened the drawer he was directed to open, but he found himself glancing at the joined bathroom,

'So that's where it happened.....i wish i was closer to her back in high school, maybe we could have helped each other. oh, wait she had that Jeremiah guy, i wonder what happened to him?'

Zaiden shook the thought out of his head, he grabbed the blankets out of the drawer and walked back to the living room, Vixen had the movie in the menu screen, and stood talking to Damien and Natasha,

"Good news, i found the blankets, bad news there's only two,"

"Well that's not bad at all, one for Romeo and Juliet here and one for the two of us,"

"Wait. the two of us!?"

"Yeah.... what? scared to share a blanket with me Zaiden?"

Vixen had a smug look on her face, challenging Zaiden to give in and admit, but Zaiden just shook his head and chuckled,

"Me? scared of you? please. i've fought thugs scarier than you,"

"And i've met men who can actually put up a fight without getting knocked on their ass by a girl,"
"Hey! i didn't expect you to roundhouse me to the floor,"

"After beating up both your thirsty hoe friends, i'm surprised you didn't expect it,"

Zaiden couldn't keep a straight face after that line, he laughed remembering the two most thuggish guys in his friend group being knocked flat on their asses by Vixen,

"Okay you win Vixen, you're pretty damn intimidating when you want to be,"

Vixen smiled triumphantly and held a smug pose, Zaiden smiled and tossed a blanket to Damien and walked up to Vixen, kissing her on her cheek, Vixen lost all her smug demeanor and picked up a nearby cushion and throwing it at Zaiden's head, Zaiden simply laughed and winked at her, Vixen grew red in the face, and looked ready to wrestle him to the ground,

'why the fuck did i like that,'

Shaking the thought out of her head she took a seat next Zaiden and picked up the remote pressing play, as the movie progressed each jump scare shook the group, Vixen and Zaiden would laugh when Damien and Natasha would hide under their shared blanket every time there was a jump scare, somewhere during the movie a thunderstorm had rolled in, each thunder strike had the group jolting in their seats, Vixen watched the movie without much of a problem, until a certain scene took place, a suicide, before the scene could begin, Vixen was pulled backwards and in to the lap of Zaiden, he wrapped the both of them with the blanket and held her close, Vixen blushed as Zaiden's arms snaked around her waist.

Before she knew the scene had passed, and the movie went on, she turned to Zaiden, he simply smiled and turned back to the movie, Vixen blushed and turned back to the movie, Vixen smiled to herself and snuggled closer to him, he rested his head on her shoulder and snuggled in to her neck, an evident blush on both their faces.

Soon the movie had come to an end and it was time for bed, Vixen had fallen asleep during the movie, leaving Zaiden, Damien and Natasha to watch the movie alone, Natasha and Damien decided to call it a night, and walked to the guest bedroom, Zaiden picked Vixen up bridal style and took her to Vixen's room, he carefully placed her on the bed and covered her with the duvet, he tucked a stray piece of he blue hair behind her ear, a smile made it's way on to her face and she snuggled further in to her covers, Zaiden smiled and silently left the room and walked to the couch, laying down on the couch and pulling the blanket over himself he drifted off to sleep with a smile on his face,

Vixen smiled feeling the lingering motion of Zaiden's fingers in her hair, she blushed darkly, silently squealing in to her pillow.  

As morning came, Vixen awoke and rubbed her eyes groggily, remembered the small gesture, Zaiden had done and smiled, as she took her medication and brushed her teeth, she blushed darkly recalling every interaction with Zaiden,

'HOLY SHIT, ZAIDEN KISSED ME! No! no no, it didn't mean anything, it was just to help me calm down,'

Exiting her bathroom, Vixen realized that she was still wearing her outfit from yesterday, she took a quick shower and wore a pair of shorts and an oversized t-shirt, tying her hair in a messy bun, she walked out of her room and found Zaiden sprawled on the couch, Vixen smiled softly and walked to the kitchen, she started preparing some breakfast for the group, she made Natasha's favourite blueberry pancake, then she made some waffles with assorted berries for Damien, it was his favourite breakfast back in highschool, complain about the fat that comes from eating sausages and bacon, Just as Vixen was making some scrambled eggs for herself and Zaiden, she felt someone standing behind her, she was startled when the voice spoke it her ear that she almost dropped the hot pan, but a firm hand guided her to hold it down,

"Good morning Princess~"

"Don't call me princess or i'll throw you in to on coming traffic,"

"As you wish ~ princess~"

The presence disappeared as Zaiden walked over to the dining table, and took a seat, pulling out his phone he meddled with it until, Natasha and Damien walked out of their room,Groggily dragging their feet as they sat down at the dining table, they greeted each other and sat at the dining table and ate their breakfasts.

"So what's the plan today guys? are you guys free to hang out?"

"I'm not free today Nats, i have to head to the library today, for the fund raiser,"

"Aww right i totally forgot that you had that today, well okay, how about dinner? we could go to Ronnie's"

"I can do dinner,"

"Great! then girls only!"

"woah woah hey, what about us?"

"you boys can find something to do, while Vixen and I have a long awaited girl's night out~"


Damien sat there pouting while Zaiden seemed to be on his phone, his face looked serious, but her train of thought was immediately interupted by a knock on the door, she got up to go see who it was. She was surprised to find someone she didn't expect. A boy who was in charge of the supplies for the fund Raiser stood outside her door, his black hair was messy and it seemed like he had rolled out of bed and directly came to her apartment, he had thrown on a simple t-shirt, crushed and thrown on in a rush, he held a friendly smile, evident of sleep, 

"Good morning Mr.Cole, what brings you here this early in the morning?"

"You seem awfully chipper this morning Ms.Hayes, i see you're enthusiastic about today's event, Mr. Randall wanted me to give you these supplies for your station, he said it was a complimentary gift from him"

Mr.Cole had a white crate filled with a variety of art supplies, ranging from watercolors, acrylics, brushes and paper, to a very standard sized easel, along with it was a yellow envelope, Mr. Cole picked up the box and handed it to Vixen, Vixen took the box confused, and glanced at Mr.Cole with the same expression to which he only shrugged, and left, Vixen palced the box near the entrance and clsed the door, she picked uo the envelope and walked to the dining table, she ripped the edge of the envelope and opened the letter, grazing over the letter, grasping the words written in neat handwriting, Zaiden glanced at her confused face, curious to know what the letter held.       

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