Chapter 8

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"Well hello there Hayes, it's so nice to hear from you, after such a long time."

"Who is this?"

"Well damn, i guess it's been too long, it's Damien, Damien Bakster, quaterback of Atella highschool? rememeber now?"

Vixen's heart skipped as a smile made it's way across her face, this guy was her partner in crime, they used to be the pranksters of Atella highschool, until they had drifted apart after she had met Jeremiah, who Damien had introduced to her.They were best friends at the time,

"Holy shit! Damien! it's so good to hear from you! where have you been?"

She remebered the short boy with hair that was colored green, but had the most beautiful olive skin, he was built because of football, he was every girl's crush,

"Hey Vixie, it's been so long, i've been out of the country, dealing with some stuff,"

She heard him chuckle over the phone, the atmosphere was becoming so very comforting just by hearing an old friends voice, she smiled nostalgically, remembering how the days used to be, she heard someone call Damien's name in the background, it was a familiar voice, she felt as though she had heard it somewhere before,

"Ah fuck! Sorry vixi pixie, i'll get in touch with you later kay? but let's meet one day, i want to catch up with you, i'll talk to you soon, see ya!"

"For sure Damien, Bye!"


She smiled to herself, and looked to Micheal like a child who was offered free treats, the smile never left Vixen's face, she told Micheal all of their childhood adventures, she stressed on the one day that they shaved the security guards eyebrows off, and the poor man had to live with that for a week, they laughed and told stories all along the ride to Vixen's apartment, Micheal hadn't seen a smile on her face like this for a very long time, not after her mother's death, He felt happy seeing her smile.

Micheal dropped Vixen off at her apartment, waving goodbye, he drove off in the direction he came from, the night was cold and silent, she looked up at the sky and breathed in the fresh air, the air lingered with the smell of the Sweet Alyssum, it was her favourite flower, it reminded her of how something small and petite could have such an elegant appearance. Her mother would giggle every time Vixen brought home a bunch of those flowers,

She smiled at the memeories of all the boys who would gift her flowers on valentines day, only to reject them when she saw that it wasn't her favourite flower, only Damien gifted her with those flowers, she agreed to be his valentine, and ended up just pranking people the whole day. She smile fondly at the memories she shared with Damien.

Vixen entered her apartment, mounting her house keys on the holder near the door, she stripped out of her coat and placed it on the sofa as she walked to her room. She peeled her clothes off and slipped into her favourite nightwear, she sat on her bed carefully and painfully layed down, snuggling up to her pillow, she smiled as she felt sleep overtake her senses.

'Vixen was in a room, a large room that had a large king size bed in the middle, the sheets were a red silk, it looked expensive,

"What am i doing here ?"

She looked around confused,she tried to walk to the other side of the room, but she was stuck.The door swung open, and two people walked in the room, they were in a heat of sexual passion, Vixen felt a blush creep up her neck and overtaking her face, she was not the kind of girl who was entirely in to the sexual side of a relationship, she laughed at herself ironically,

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