You thought.

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     Athena's POV

"These boys must think they're so slick." I say, sighing. Bobby and I managed to finally get permission from the hospitals security cameras,  in order to find out which way they went. Maddie was chilling in the car, waiting for the information.

  "They are still kids, Athena. They probably aren't used to the notion of being adopted (ish)" Bobby, as usual, was still super sweet, but I knew he was right. The way the black haired clung onto Buck was a tell tale sign of that.

   "Well hopefully we can get to 'em before their trouble gets back."

I love Athenas POV!!

3rd POV

  The duo were scanning the videos, taken a note of which way they went. Northwest. Once fully certain, they race out of the security hall and out the hospital. There are two ways to do this, they told Maddie. She was on the phone with Eddie who was giving children advice. Maddie was prego, and Buck was technically still a child.

   "You know where he is at?" Maddie exclaimed joyously.

   "Sort of. We can scan each buildings' camera's or go by fives. I think going by fives is a bit quicker." Athena, being the cop she was, already had a paper map out, marking the streets to check.

   "By fives please!"

Back with the stupid kiddos ~                     Kidding, I love them.

   Stranger/neighbor A was smoking with Charlie and another kid. They were in the drug room. Zach was taking a nap, as Buck doodled onto the concrete floor. They did have blankets, a shit ton of 'em, but Zach prefered the bare floor, curling into Buck's side.

Back with Charlie tho.

He and Stranger B were debating weither MJ or Pot was a better name for the wonderful drug. Obviously MJ was Charlie's choice. "It made it sound like a person! Perfeect for undercover." Whatever.

While they were gradually getting louder and louder with each part of their arguement, they did not here Stranger A mutter "shit" Or noticed the fire growing.

Until they did. Oops.

Now, this is very bad. A, this is the drug room, hello, drugs are flammable!!! B, Bucks gonna be pissed. He save a lot of liquor in this room, mostly for when he has his panic attacks. But that was one of the first things to go.


Back with Athena (Lol she is going to be so dissapointed...)

  "Ok, store number 15. Anybody in here? LAPD." Athena pounded on the door. No answer, she hoped it was because they weren't there. Shaking her head, she walks back to the car, sad to see a semi depressed Maddie, close to tears. "Maybe the next one."

But thats when she saw it, a fire! In an abandoned building. She would have worried about it, but it was abandoned, no one should be in there. And continued climbing into her vehicle. But the next thought made her think; how would a fire start, if no one was even in there...? She groaned. If these were her children, they would really be getting it.

   "Bobby, Maddie, I think we found them, but we might need assistance from the fire department."

Back to Buck&co (Ya'll gonna get iiittt~)

*insert slowmotion running* The five people ran out of the building, the fire growing, and conviently, because author doesn't want them to go to jail, buried all their crack, liquor, and whatever else they used to get high as heck. Author wouldn't know.

  "Oh My Lanta! What now? And whos the idiot who started a fire? In the drug room no less?" Burst Buck. Charlie was right, poor buck, he missed his liquor already.

  "Stranger A gulped audibly, and dashed off.(Don't worry, he will be caught and the blaim will return to him. Like it should)

 "Buck! You and your friends better not move one INCH from that spot, or so help me, you will regret it." The trio blanched.

   "Miss, uh, cop lady..."

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