Boys taste

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I have no idea what possesed me to write chapter uno the way I did. But its such a fragile chapter that I can't really change it TT. Sorry, I don't really intend to write him that way, but he is still, uh, jockish? He has a tough side, more examples of it will be coming up.

Thank you for commenting your descision, dear reader, Now I can make a longer chapter~

    Buck loved the bath, it felt pretty nice. A great change for him since the river water was always freezing. He even played with the semi bubbles that formed due to the soap.Just don't tell anybody, kay?

  Coming out of the bath, he quickly puts on the clothes Mrs Athena set for him, and heads out the bathroom. How does Buck feel about this whole... ordeal? Well,as long as he can stay with his two best budz, he is fine with it.

    "Now what?" Charlie asked. "This wasn't what we planned for, and the woman is to scary to be rough with."

    "Lie low? I don't know! But this place is nice, the stuff in our sandwhiches were so cold, it was good! No offense Charlie." Zach snickered. That statement started a little 'fight' between them, friendly peaceful on ofcourse, and somehow Zach dragged Buck into it,claiming "Buck threw away one of them! Your warm ass sandwhich I mean!",causing Buck to go on the immediate defensive.

None of them saw Athena, who was watching the three interact. She couldn't deny that they did have a connetion, and she would hate to seperate them. SO she sat there and watched, for a long time, trying to figure out how they worked, who was in charge, who was the most troublesome, who balenced them out, etc. Throught the viewing, she grew a bit sad. These are still children. What happened to them?

The following day~

 For breakfast they had pancakes. Flashback

"What the hell is this?" (Buck)

"Language. It looks like flattened Bread?" (Charlie)

"Taste this sticky stuff!  Its so good!"(Zach)

"Why don't you try combining it together?" (Bobby)

"Woah, it taste like, uh, heaven!" (Zach)

 "Their called pancakes." (Athena)

"Pancakes...?"(Buck and Cahrlie)

"Yep, it is bascically bread, but it is made differently, and much more sweeter."(Athena)

"I love these Pancakes! I want to eat them forever!"(Zach)

"Don't want to get fat know, do we?"(Charlie)

Long story short: They love it. And Athena had to make much more than she expected, they are growing boys after all. Afterwards, two of the boys went to wash up, as Buck helped wash dishes. He was polite, polite enough for Athena totake a liking to him. He was definetely a people person, thats for sure.

   "So Buck, tell me, you three did any school?" She asked as she dryed the dishes. Buck gave an awkward chuckle.

   "We went to middle school, but Highschool is a different story. I mean we tried! I did, Charlie did do it for one day, but somehow Zach got punched, and Charlie went balistic! It was crazy! A huge school fight happened, aparrently there were bets made, obviously Charlie won though. Thats how come he got expelled. Zach hates school, and honestly, I kinda do to. I hate the place, and math sucks, and I don't even understand what my English teacher says, so I quit to. Besides, its not like we need it, right?" Athena inwardly sighed, but outloud, she gave a curious hum.

    "Why do you say that?"

    "Well my teacher said that it was pointless for us to be there. He was my English teacher, and he showed us this huge graphs thatshowed the chances of us failing, and let me tell you! It was really really high. Or was it low? I can't remember. But anyway, school isn't necessary money is." Athena, at the moment, did not know how to respond to that. After all, this isn't her kid. So instead, she migrated to a different topic. Girls, and dating.

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