Lol, thats tuff

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Creative titles = Creative writing
For those who do not understand what is going on, please let me know, it means my writing needs improvement. Thanks!

    "Well kid? Are you going to answer me?" The big guy asks again. Evan knew it was time for him to activate it, his super power that makes the mean guys go away. The name? Crying
    "WhY aRe YoU sO mEaN tO mE?!! Its not my fault! Im ThE vIcTiM!!" He wailed out, flinging his arms out. The big guy froze, not knowing what to do in this instance. He could comfort him, but he still needs to get the information before the cheif hands him his ass, but then again, this is a kid! granted, he is 17 years old, give or take, but he didn't comit a crime-
  He knows what he has to do.


  "Wait wait wait wait. You want to bring this to court, just because you don't like this cop? You sound like a freaking child."
  "No no no no no! You are seeing it all wrong! This isn't even allowed! I'm just following orders! Plus, she isn't even related to them! Its not-"
  "I swear to god if you say fair, you're fired."
   "*Sighs* Whatever, ill pass it along. If it goes to court, you better have a good defense, let alone offense, 'cause this is Athena Grant you're going against."
   "Thank you sir! Thank you!"


  "A court order? I did not agree to that! Who the hell-" Just as he suspected, the cheif was pissed, but as long as nobody snitched, the "big guy" was safe, and so was this kid. He was proud of himself.
"It was him!" Or not.
  "You??!! YOU?? We have RULES!!.."  Fudge sticks.


(( "Attention! I mean order. Order!! ORDER!! Jesus," Matesshipper smacks her hammer a couple of times. " Ok, so. We have gathered here today to witness the uh, crime? Of a boy... Oh shit whats the line?" Our esteemed judge mumbles. No one notices, save for her assistant, who smacked the back of her head with a clipboard.
  "Will the uh defendant come up and state their claim?" Jury says, trying to help. ))


   "Well, that went well." Evelyn groaned out, as the four of them go and meet the others.
   "Buck, are you okay?" Athena, the certified mother said. The station ended up keeping him overnight, so she was looking him over, getting ready to wreck havoc on those cops if she sees so much as a scratch. The kid, technically teen, was not that shoken up, but dang! Their methods were... persistant. He might have to tell Athena what went on.
   "Yeah, Im ok." He isn't going to tell her today though. He just wants sleep.
Athena accepts his answer and half hugs him as they finally make it to the rest of the group.
The majority of them, the younger ones (May Harry Chris Zach Charlie), rush towards them, and Athena lets him go right before he gets crushed. There were a lot of 'are you ok's', and somehow, organize them selves so Buck can actually answer.
  "So?"  Charlie asks.
   "Well. It fucking sucked." No one responds (And Author contemplates wether or not she wrote this exact sentence in this story before. Let me know?)
   "Elaborate meathead."
   " I mean, they weren't that nice, and, I never truly hated cops before, but, they didn't even let me sleep! and, and-" The pressure he felt finally caught up with him, and it suddenly became very obvious that he was trying to not cry. The adults rushed forward to catch him before he fell to his knees, (Eddie was the victor) and comforted him as much as possible.
   "The cops are so screwed." Evelyn pointed out. Bex agreed.

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