Where Am I?

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"All right everyone there's no need for any of us to get hurt here okay?" Anubis said as he tried to defuse the situation calmly.
"Drop your weapons. Now!" Hera demanded. Anubis then activated a track on his suit that then played the lyrics to a song saying:
"I can't go for that
No can do"
"What the Kriff?" Zeb said.
"I won't ask again. Drop your weapons now!" Hera repeated. "We will shoot."
"Ha. Go ahead." Anubis laughed confidently.

All of the crew then attacked him but Anubis rapidly dropped his guns and then slammed both of his fists together which activated a blue energy shield which then surrounded him and blocked all of their shots and sent Kanan and Ezra flying backwards as they strick the shield with their Lightsabers. "Oh that never gets old!" Anubis chuckled to himself. He then pushed something on both of his knuckles adjacent to his thumbs and he then vanished into thin air. "Wait what?" Where did he Go? " Ezra asked in a panic. Hera then suddenly fell and a repetitive noise could he heard as they saw a shadow climb the ladder to the cockpit." He must be invisible. He's headed for the cockpit!"Kanan yelled. Everyone then scrambled to beat the armoured warrior to the cockpit but it was unnecessary when they found him standing there in a trance as he scanned his surroundings and it all seemed so familiar to him yet so unknown. Anubis then turned to see the crew and fell backwards and said nothing more than, "Impossible. You don't exist. You're all fiction!"

Each of them turned to look at each other and wore a look of confusion about themselves.
Zeb then grabbed Anubis and pinned him against the wall. "Let's throw him out the airlock!" he growled with an evil smile on his face. "Hang on Zeb. I still have a lot of questions for him." Hera said as she tried to release Zeb's grip on Anubis. Anubis then fell and immediately ran from the cockpit and found himself surrounded by doors and retreated into the nearest one to him: Kanan's room. However he was stopped and pulled out by Kanan and thrown back onto the floor.

After several minutes of struggling, Anubis managed to calm down and the crew began politely but sternly interrogating him. "What did you mean when you said we were fiction?" Hera asked him slowly.
Anubis was about to say that they were an animated TV show that was streamed on his planet Earth but then stopped and thought for a second. If this was all real to him, one slip up about what they are and what's about to happen could shatter the entire Space-time continuum. Just to play it safe, he thought he'd not tell them.
"No reason... I was just delusional" he answered quickly.
"What is the UN-whatever you were talking about?" Kanan asked politely.
"The United Nations Space Command is a military and naval force on my home planet and I'm part of an elite group of soldiers known as Spartan IVs." Anubis replied without hesitation. "What were those weapons that you had back there?" Sabine asked with curiosity in her eyes.
"The pistol was a Magnum which is carried by almost all UNSC personnel and the gun was a DMR. A marksman Rifle that can fire 15 shots before needing to reload."Anubis said.
" Well what about that energy shield?" Ezra asked." Oh that was tech that we retrieved from Prometheans" the Psartan warrior replied. "Now how about enough of the questions and more of the getting to find my crew?"
Hera knew what this guy's mind was set on but she wasn't having any of it. She thought that he could be an ally in their fight against the Empire. Finally, she asked:"One more question. Why is your name Anubis?"

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