1. Quitting

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"Fine! I'm done! I can't deal with this shit anymore!" Izzy Stradlin yelled at Axl Rose while they were in the studio. Axl tried to cut the royalties to the band and Izzy wasn't a fan of that. "You're an asshole! I fucking hate you!" Izzy yelled before grabbing his guitar case and leaving the building.

Guns N Roses hasn't been going so great lately. And it was bound to happen that one of them would leave sooner or later. And Izzy had been fed up for a long time. But now he knew it was time to quit. 

He returned home tired and heard the sounds of the TV from the living room. He walked into the living room and saw his pregnant wife, Leah, sleeping on the couch. "Baby, wake up," Izzy said placing his hand on Leah's shoulder as he knelt in front of her. Leah's eyes fluttered open and she smiled. She placed her hand on Izzy's cheek. "Hey, Izzy, how are things going with the guys?" Leah asked.  Izzy frowned as he stood. Leah sat up and looked at Izzy with curious blue eyes. Izzy sat beside his wife and rubbed her enlarged stomach that carried his son. "I quit. I can't deal with Axl's shit anymore and I'm through," Izzy said. "Just like that?" Leah asked. Izzy nodded. "Are you sure you wanna do that?" Leah asked. Izzy nodded. "I'm sure," he said. Leah wrapped her arms around Izzy's torso. "I'll be with you every step of the way, I love you," Leah said. Izzy smiled. "I love you too," he said before kissing his wife. 

"Daddy!" Izzy's three-year-old son and daughter (twins Katie and Kadyn) said running to greet their always busy father. Not anymore. thought Izzy. He lifted his kids into his lap and hugged them. "Daddy, I missed you," Katie said. "I missed you too, Kate," Izzy said. 

That's when Izzy knew his life would be great. With or without Guns N Roses.

Sweet Child O Mine (Izzy Stradlin)Where stories live. Discover now