2. Shed A Tear Cause I'm Missing You

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Izzy stared lovingly at the small baby lying in the crib. He was so perfect. A doctor walked into the room and cleared his throat. "I'm sorry Mr. Isbell, but your wife had passed on," the doctor said. "What?" Izzy asked. "I'm sorry," the doctor said and then he left. 

Izzy broke down sobbing. He cried for a while until he heard the baby cry. His baby. Izzy stood up and sniffled while wiping his tears. "Come here, Myles, it's alright," Izzy said scooping his son into his arms. "It's alright," he murmured. 

Izzy thought back to when he met Leah, her eyes were such a beautiful sapphire color. And he was so nervous to talk to her, but Slash convinced him to do it. So Izzy talked to the beautiful brunette. And she became his girlfriend. 

Leah was always there for Izzy. And he was always there with her. He remembered kissing her neck and she'd laugh. He never wanted to forget her laugh. It was so beautiful. He wanted to hear her laugh again. Izzy never wanted to forget Leah's smile. It was a beautiful smile. And most of all he never wanted to forget her soft voice saying, I love you, Izzy. He loved hearing her voice. 

Izzy realized he was crying again and stopped himself. He fed the baby and put it back. They'll be at the hospital for a few days to make sure Myles is okay. Izzy's laid on the hospital bed and cried himself to sleep. 

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Izzy arrived home and was welcomed by Katie and Kadyn. You'll never truly get to know your mother, Izzy thought. Here comes the waterworks. Sonja, Izzy's mom, walked over to her son. "Are you alright?" Sonja asked. "No, I... I miss Leah," Izzy said beginning to cry again. Sonja hugger Izzy. "It'll be alright," She said. 

Joseph (Joe) walked over to his brother. "Ya know, Jeff. Mia and I don't mind watching over the kids if you want to get a break," Joe said. Izzy shook his head. "No, I can do it," Izzy said. "Are you sure?" Joe asked. "Yeah, I can do it, I'll be fine," Izzy said. Joe nodded and laid a hand on Izzy's shoulder. "You're a strong man, Izzy," Joe said. Izzy smiled. 

But as Izzy laid in bed that night. His first night in seven years. He was alone. He didn't have Leah cuddling close to him. And it made him sad. It was the first time in his life he felt truly alone. He didn't have his bandmates or his wife. 

And for the first time in three months. He wanted to see his bandmates again.

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