17. Problems

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Lauren stared in front of her as she was being held back. Her breath hitched in her throat. The man stood in front of her holding Myles by the waist with a knife to the boy's throat."Myles!" Lauren screamed as the man cut Myles. Myles fell to the ground and didn't get back up. But Lauren saw a fresh pool of blood trickling from Myles's neck to her feet. 

Suddenly everything went black and new scenery appeared. It was raining and Lauren realized she was wearing a black dress and everyone around her was crying. There was Izzy, Katie, and Katie's daughter Milly. All sitting beside a grave. Lauren moved to look at the grave. 'Myles Dean Isbell.' 

Lauren began to scream and cry. Myles was really dead. There was no changing it. Her sweet Myles. Gone with the wind. 

Lauren sat up gasping. She looked beside her and saw Myles sleeping peacefully. His chest moved up and down slowly as he breathed. Lauren sighed. Myles was alright. He was still alive and with her.   

But that didn't stop Lauren from crying. Even though Myles was with her. She was still scared. Scared she'd one day lose him. 

Lauren softly shook Myles's shoulder. "Myles, baby, wake up," Lauren said. Myles sat up and yawned. "What is it, Lauren?" he asked tiredly. "I had a terrible dream," Lauren said wrapping her arms around Myles's torso. "It's alright it's not real," Myles said. "But it felt real to me, Myles. I-it was where you died. And I'm so afraid I'm going to lose you," Lauren said. "You won't lose me, baby. I'll always stay right here by your side," Myles said. 

That only made him more pissed at Kadyn. Last night hurt Lauren more than Myles thought. 


"Alright, so my voice is back. But I can't sing with a firing throat. So here's what we're going to do. Guns N Roses is going on tour and they agreed to go on tour and cover for us with us," Wilder said. His voice was raspy. Raspier than it usually is. But at least he could talk. 

Myles was a bit disappointed when Izzy didn't show with the rest of Guns N Roses. Of course, Myles knew Izzy refused to join the band. But Axl didn't ask if he wanted to. Izzy just told him he didn't want to go back.  

Myles and the rest of L.A. Ghosts walked onto the stage. Myles was about to speak when the people started yelling. 

"Wilder! Wilder! Wilder!" they chanted madly. "Where the fuck is Wilder?" "Where's Wilder?" "The hell is Wilder!" 

The people were mad and couldn't understand why the beloved Wilder was suddenly not there. It wasn't hard for Myles to understand why they chose Wilder over anyone else to play that night. Wilder was an awesome singer. He had his dad's voice but it softer and when he sang it sounded like he was using the best auto-tune in the whole world. But his voice wasn't auto-tuned. Duh. And it was naturally beautiful. 

Everyone came to see the awesome Zane Rose. Not boring ole Myles Isbell. Or whoever else showed that night. 

Things got heated fast. And people began throwing stuff onto the stage. L.A. Ghosts decided to race off stage when they began throwing glass. 

"This is a nightmare. They won't let us talk either. Bitches," Logan said. "Because they want Wilder. Everyone knows Wilder is one of the best singers in the world now!" Xander said. "But he's hurt. He can't sing!" Logan said. "Well, we'll have to tell him, let's go," Myles said. 

They arrived back at the bus and walked in. Wilder was drinking some ice water. Though his face held nothing but discomfort as he struggled to painlessly drink the water. Finally, he decided he had enough and set the glass down to look at his friends. 

"So... It seems the audience was mad that you weren't there," Lauren said. "Reasonable. But I can't go on there when my throat feels like hell!" Wilder said before he began coughing. "Here drink," Myles said handing Wilder the glass of water. Wilder began drinking the water. 

"Wilder, you should go to the hospital, I don't think this is normal," Myles said. "Okay, so are we going on hiatus?" Wilder asked. Myles nodded. 

Myles thought that was a good decision for two reasons. The audience wouldn't like Wilder not being there and Myles wanted to tell Izzy about Kadyn. What Kadyn was going to get his friends to do to Myles and Lauren. Myles knew it would break Izzy's heart. But Izzy needed to know. He has been wandering a lot about Kadyn. Where he was. How he had been. If he was okay. If he was behaving. And most of all. If he'd ever return home. 

But Myles knew after he told Izzy what had happened, Kadyn would never step foot in the Isbell's household ever again. 

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