32) Back on Tour.

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"Guess who's back!" I opened the door to the hotel to see Katelynn sitting on the couch with Calum, watching tv. They both turned to look to me and smiled.

"Oh my gosh!" They both ran up to me and hugged me, nearly knocking me over.

"Stop screaming" Michael came out of a room, rubbing his head.

"He drank a lot last night" Katelynn laughed.

"Oh my gosh, Leslie!" Michael ran up to me and hugged me, more like body slamming me. He squeezed me so tight that I swear I was loosing air.

"Okay Michael" Luke lightly, not very enthusiastically, laughed, pushing him off of me.

"Sorry" Michael chuckled.

"Oh hey Les" Ashton waved at me, walked past all of us then went into the kitchen and poured himself two bowls of cereal. Then he went back in his room. I looked at everyone confused.

"He and Becca have been watching Netflix all day and he won't leave her side" Calum laughed.

"And you two won't leave each other's sides either" Michael pointed to Katelynn and Calum and rolled his eyes. "Now I feel lonely. I have no one" he frowned.

"You'll find someone dude" Luke laughed, patting him on the back.

"Uh huh" Michael looked at me, rolled his eyes, then went back to his room.

"We have to do something today" Katelynn smiled.

"We have dinner reservations tonight" Luke looked at me, getting out a soda from the fridge.

"That's great. We can go get our nails done and stuff" I smiled at Katelynn and she nodded her head quickly.

We both ran into her room, getting in some jeans and sweatshirt and then we ran out the suite.

"You know, it's really nice to get a break from them" Katelynn sighed as she sat down in the comfy massage chair in the nail salon.

"I know. That time I had back home was great. Well Ashton was still there but he wasn't that bad" I shrugged my shoulders, closing my eyes as the lady came up to me and started working on my toes.

"He was in Seattle?!" She screamed, startling the workers and everyone in the salon.

"Yea" I looked at her weirdly.

"He told us he was at his house and then you called him and set him up with Rebecca"

"No, he was definitely in Seattle. That is such a stupid cover story too" I laughed.

"It is. But he still lied" she sat back in her chair and let the lady work on her feet. "And I am going to find out why"

"Ugh, I never knew being with these guys would lead to so much lies and drama" I sighed, closing my eyes again as the lady put my feet in the warm water and the jets cut on. This feels so good, I should do this all the time.

"Remember how Michael was like missing for two days?"

"Uh yea" I coughed a little, remembering how I found a gun and a huge wad of cash in his pocket.

"He wasn't really lost"

"Noo" I dragged out the word, obviously being sarcastic.

"How did you know? Wait. Never mind. Anyway. So.. Umm...he works for the same people that sort of kidnapped you" she slowly and softly said it. I had no words. I mean I'm not surprised, I just don't know why he wouldn't tell me. Well actually never mind I do know why. But I am just tired of having so much drama. I feel like I'm in a book or movie. {the irony lol. Sorry I'm weird. Okay keep reading hehe}

"Can we just talk about something else? I just want to relax today" I sighed as the lady started to work on my nails.

"Yea. Guess what!"


"Well you know how your birthday is coming u-"

I interrupted her. "No"



"You don't even know what I was going to say" she defended herself.

"It's about my birthday. No." I shook my head, grabbing a magazine on the side pocket of the chair.

"What is so wrong with your birthday?"

"You know how I have felt about my birthday since we became friends. And you know that I do not want to talk about it" I started looking at the articles featured on the front cover, seeing if it was good or not.

"It can't be that bad" she rolled her eyes.

"Well I don't care. I'm not telling anyone. Now let's just have fun today"

We got our nails done, I got mine red and I think they are super cute. You probably think I'm a freak for red by now. Hehe. I kinda am. Anyway, after that, we headed towards the salon and got our hair curled and stuff. I may have added a couple streaks of blonde in my hair too. It actually looks pretty good. I like it. Katelynn low lighted her hair underneath and it looks so good with the blonde on top. Then we came to the mall and tried on a couple of outfits in like three stores. But I still haven't found anything yet. Katelynn got a turquoise dress with a gold necklace to go with it. She always looks so perfect in everything but I can never find anything that I think looks good on me.

"Leslie!" Katelynn screamed from behind me, I turned around to see her with a cheesy smile and a black, knee length dress in her hands. "Try this on. It's perfect" she screamed again.

"Okay, okay. Just don't burst my eardrums" I laughed, walking to the dressing rooms.

I slipped on the dress and looked at it in the mirror. I kinda liked it. Okay, I really liked it.

"Oh my gosh. It's per-fect" I jumped when I looked up to see Katelynn's head popped up above the stall wall of the dressing room.

"Katelynn! Jesus you scared the living hell out of me" I put my hand over my chest and breathes heavily in and out.

"I just couldn't wait to see it on you" she laughed.

"How did you even get up there?" I laughed.

"I stacked two chairs together" she laughed.

"You are so weird" I laughed, shaking my head and looking back at the dress.

"You are getting it. Take it off and let's go buy it!" She jumped up and down and all of a sudden she starts wobbling and her head disappears and I hear a crash. I run out the dressing room and run into the stall next to mine. I looked to find Katelynn on the ground and the two chairs knocked over next to her. I started bursting into laughter.

Once I finally contained myself for about 5 minutes. I finally asked If she was okay and helped her up. "I'm fine. Thanks a lot" she said sarcastically.

"But you gotta admit. That was pretty funny" I laughed down more and held my stomach. It was hurting so much because of my laughter.

"It was" she laughed a little.

"I wonder why Luke just all of a sudden made dinner reservations"

"They obviously made the reservations because they have bad news. That always happens. At least that's what Calum does." She shrugged her shoulders.

"Oh no. I just got back. Luke better not have done anything bad." I rolled my eyes.

"Or maybe it's just because you are back and he wants to start it off right this time" she smiled, trying to make me less stressed.

"Maybe" I shrugged my shoulders.

"But at least we have an excuse to get dressed up" she smiled. She's always loved excuses to put on makeup and a dress and spend hours getting ready so she can look amazing. It's a weird thing she does.

"I guess" I shrugged my shoulders.


This chapter is a little short and boring but I just knew yall NEEDED an update. I promise the next chapter will be better. Love you guys! Give me feedback on your thoughts. I've had the worst day possible today. Byeee:)

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