9) Falling Apart.

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"Leslie, what are you doing here?" He got up, putting a hand on my arm.

"Don't touch me." I shoved his hand off me, trying my best not to look into his eyes.

"Les, please. Look at me." I looked up into his eyes.

"You think I'm dumb Luke? Like I didn't just hear you saying you work for him?" I scoffed.

"No, you don't understand, I was just telling him-"

"Save it Luke, you played with me like some kind of idiot. You probably lied about every single thing you said to me didn't you?"

"No, I wasn't lying about any of that. I really do love you." There goes the L bomb. That's what Connor said before he cheated on me.

"I don't know if I can ever trust you again Luke, not after this" I grabbed Katelynn's hand and stormed out of the shop, feeling tears start to roll down my cheeks.

"I'm sorry Leslie. You okay? Don't cry. He's not worth it." She walked into the store by the hotel and came out with a bag of things.

"What's that?" I sniffled.

"You'll see" she opened the door for me and then closed the door behind us when we got to my room. I sat down in the couch and turned on the tv to try to get my mind off of things. Katelynn a came up to me with my favorite combination. Ice Cream and Popcorn. It's really good if you get the right brand and the right flavor of ice cream. I grabbed my cup of ice cream and a handful of popcorn and shoved it in my mouth while Katelynn put on the movie channel. About half way through the movie I fell asleep, considering it was 3:00 in the morning.


"I heard that her and Luke got in a fight. Is she okay?" I recognized Calum's voice almost in a whisper for me not to hear.

"She's holding up. Do you know what they were fighting about?" Katelynns familiar voice was also keeping quiet.

"No, Luke wouldn't tell us, he just kept repeating 'I didn't want to but they made me' whatever that means. Her and Michael were supposed to do something today, hopefully that can get her mind off things" I opened my eyes, acting like I didn't hear anything.

"Morning, breakfast is on the table and an Iced chocolate chip caramel frappe, just how you like it" Katelynn smiled, she's acting like I've just gone through some terrible death in a family. It's just a boy. It's just Luke. Why make a big deal out of it?

At least that's what I keep telling myself...

"Thanks" I barely smiled, walking over to the table.

"Um, Michael said that he would come pick you up in a little while. Me and Calum are going shopping." She grabbed her purse. "But I could stay here with you if you want"

"Katelynn, I'm fine, go shop. You don't need to babysit me" I slightly laughed. I lied. I'm really not fine at all. I want to just stay inside all day and eat ice cream.

"Okay, bye Leslie" they both smiled and walked out the door. At least this trip is going good for her, the last thing I need is for both of us to be miserable. I walked into my room, grabbing some clothes and changing.

"Leslie? Are you in here? Are you dressed?" Michael walked in with his hands covering his eyes.

"Yea, I'm dressed, you can open your eyes" I laughed as he moved his hands.

"You okay?" He looked at me worried.

"I'm fine, dang it's not a big deal" I laughed, lying again.

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