16) What?

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2 days. It's been 2 days and neither Mikey nor Ashton are back. Calum is still upset. He only came out once yesterday to get a bite of pizza we had ordered, then he went straight back. All you can hear from his room is the tv and sobs. And Katelynn acts like its no big deal on the outside and tries to lighten up the mood and act like nothing happened but I can tell that on the inside she is still upset too. And Luke just got switched from a wheelchair to crutches and...well he has no clue what's going on around him. Everything and everyone is falling apart. Including me.

"Hey" I jumped as I felt my earphones being pulled out of my ears. Dang it. I spilt my cereal.

"Michael!" I hugged him so tight that I swear I heard a crack. He looked horrible. His red hair was dirty. His clothes were all worn out and nasty. And honestly, he looked like a hobo. "Where have you been?"

"I told you. I went walking. And then I got sorta lost" he looked down at his feet.

"You could have called me at least!" I slapped his shoulder.

"My phone was dead"


"No money"

"A strangers phone??"

"What kind of stranger would let a guy who looks beaten up like me use their phone?"

"Uh, your fans?" I said as if it was obvious. I'm surprised he didn't run into any while he was out.

"Well I'm here now and that's all that counts right?" He wasn't rude about it but he wasn't being nice either. Something is definitely going on here. But I decided to just leave it alone and stay out of his business.

"You're right." I laughed. "Now go take a shower, you smell like a dog that lives on the streets" I covered up my nose.

"Well I did fight one for a slice of pizza out of the trash" he laughed.

"Michael, you're disgusting!" I laughed.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding" he laughed, walking to his room to clean himself. As soon as he walked in his room, Katelynn came running out of hers.

"Michael is back??" She looked super excited.

"Yea, why so excited?" I laughed.

"Oh. No reason. We just had, uh, something planned today" she smiled.

"Well he's in the shower" I told her, walking into Michaels room to get his dirty clothes because knowing him, he'd probably never wash them. Katelynn is acting weird today. Well that's her everyday so I shouldn't be worried but she just is acting different. As soon as I walked into his room, there were clothes everywhere on the floor. I picked up all of it and brought it to our very small laundry room. I shoved all of his clothes in the washer except his jacket that he had worn when he left. It had something in the pockets and I didn't want it to be his phone or anything so I searched the pockets, getting out everything. There was a huge stack of hundred dollar bills, his phone, and a gun. He said his phone was dead, but it's not. He said he had no money. What's with the gun. Oh Mikey, what have you gotten yourself into? I decided to not get in his business and put everything back and put his jacket on his bed. I rushed back to the laundry room, hearing the shower cut off and started the rinse cycle.

"Les, why is my room clean?" He laughed, walking out of his room, drying his hair off.

"You know there is this new thing where instead of throwing your clothes on the floor, you can clean them in these things called a washer and dryer." I laughed.

"Thanks" he laughed, going to the fridge and grabbing a water bottle.

"So where is Calum, Luke, and Katelynn?" He took a big chug of his water.

"Well, Luke is taking a nap for like the fifth time in the past two days and Calum is still in his room and hasn't come out and Katelynn-" I got interrupted by Katelynn rushing out of her room and grabbing Mikey.

"We have things to do" she pulled him by his ear, into his room. Wonder what that was all about. Aw well. I realized that I never picked up my cereal so I cleaned that up and grabbed a water bottle and watched a little bit of TV.

"Hey Leslie" Calum came dragging his feet out of his room. Man everyone is coming back today.

"Hey Calum. You want anything to eat? Some water? We got-" he interrupted me by putting his finger over my mouth.

"I have a headache" he wouldn't move his finger so I pushed it down with my hand.

"Okay, here. Drink some water and I'll head to the store to get you some medicine" I handed him a water and went over to Michael's room.

"Hey Mikey, I need you to watch Luke while I run to the store to get Calum some headache medicine" Both him and Katelynn jumped when I walked in.

"Okay. Can you get me some band-aids too? I cut myself when I got lost" he laughed.

"Okay. Call me if you need anything." I walked in the living room to see Calum on the couch, asleep. I still went to the store though, just in case his headache was worse when he got up. I feel like a mom right now.

I walked into the store and already, I saw Connor. Dang it. I hid behind an isle. Well I was also finding some band-aids for Mikey, but I still hope he doesn't see me. I grabbed some band-aids and the medicine and ran up to the counter.

"Is this all for you ma'am?" A lady smiled, scanning the items.

"Umm. This too" I looked over the selection of candy and stuff and put a pack of gum on the counter. She handed me everything and I gave her the money. As soon as I turned around, I bumped into someone. Guess who?

{I know guys I'm so typical haha, okay keep on reading}

"Hey Leslie. Um, how's your boyfriend doing?" He put a Gatorade on the counter and faced me.

"His name is Luke. And he doesn't exactly remember me" I looked down at my feet.

"Are you okay?"

"Don't act like you care Connor. Why are you still here anyway?"

"My parents thought since I already came out here and stuff, that I should just go to college out here"

"Okay. Well have a nice life. Bye." I rushed out as fast as I can but he followed me.

"Wait." He kept running after me. "It's about Michael" I stopped in my tracks.

"What?" I didn't move. He stepped in front of me.

"I saw him yesterday and-"

"Wait you saw him?"

"Yea but I'd rather not talk about it here" he looked around. I don't know if I can trust him.

"When and where?" I gave in. I have to know what Mikey has been up to.


Okay. So it didn't even post my whole chapter, I just put the last few parts in but now it's the whole chapter. I'll update either later tonight or tomorrow. Depending on how long I stay up. Hope you like it. Comment your thoughts. Byeee:)

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